Total Published Records: 135,296
Record no. | Notes, topics or text |
101 | Re their invitation to BR for him to speak at one of their evening talks. |
102 | |
103 | Typed on the verso of document .046921. |
104 | Attlee thanks BR for his letter of October 9 and for sending him his article "What America Could Do with the Atomic Bomb". |
105 | BR asks Attlee's opinion on the Nuremberg Trials and the London agreement. |
106 | The Registrar at Oxford University asks BR for a statement on A.J. Ayer's qualifications. Ayer is being considered for the Wykeham Professorship of Logic. A document outlining the position is enclosed. |
107 | Unsigned. Patricia writes on behalf of BR to apologize for any embarrassment the misrepresentation of BR's views may have caused Attlee. She encloses (not present) the statement BR has issued "correcting the false report of his speech last Saturday at Westminster school." |
108 | BR thanks Auchinleck for his letter and asks if they could meet to discuss the peace foundations. |
109 | Field-Marshall Auchinleck will help on an unspecified matter. |
110 | Schoenman hopes that Auchinleck is recovering from his illness and that he will be leaving the hospital soon. |
111 | BR enjoyed reading Ayer's Problem of Knowledge and praises his remarks about television, but criticizes his view of perception. |
112 | Ayer asks if BR would write an article for a friend's journal in South America. |
113 | A.J. Ayer forwarded this letter to BR, saying it is addressed to him. |
114 | This letter is enclosed in the file for document .047065. |
115 | This letter and a carbon copy with a line through it are in the file for document .047065. "Unsent". |
116 | Edith, writing on behalf of BR, asks Ayer to respond to the enclosed letter from F.K. Ogden. BR is forbidden to write letters, "though he bursts out occasionally!" |
117 | This letter is enclosed in the same file as document .047067. |
118 | This letter is enclosed in the file for document .047067. |
119 | Whyte is sending BR The Critique of Physics (Russell's Library, no. 2738), and Norton hopes to receive BR's opinion of the book. |
120 | BR has no time to form a critical judgment of L.L. Whyte's Critique of Physics. |
121 | Bacharach asks if BR could lecture at the National Guilds League meeting on September 28, 1917. |
122 | BR responds to Weiss's letter, .046873. He would like to read Quine's paper. |
123 | BR is invited to the A.P.A. annual meeting. The symposium's topic is to be on his philosophy. |
124 | Full name: American Veterans of the Elbe River link-up. |
125 | On Claude Eatherly. |
126 | Typed on the verso of document .046924, record 125. |
127 | On Claude Eatherly. BR has sent Goodman's letter to G. Anders. |
128 | On Claude Eatherly. |
129 | |
130 | Anderson reports that BR recently visited John Cowper Powys, who did phrenology on him. |
131 | |
132 | On education. |
133 | Née Peggy Irvine. |
134 | Adam reminisces and seeks BR's permission to write her memoirs of him. |
135 | Mrs. Adams refers to BR's speech "last night". |
136 | BR thanks "Dr. Adler" for The Education of the Individual and "The extremely gratifying inscription". |
137 | Aebi's enclosures are titled: "kant fondateur de la philosophie subjectiviste allemande" and one on "dialectic". |
138 | BR is ill. |
139 | Reitman's fiancée asks for BR's views on current vice raids in New York City. |
140 | BR is given a membership card for the American Humanist Association. |
141 | |
142 | |
143 | Allen draws BR's attention to George P. Grant's "Pursuit of an Illusion", Dalhousie Review, 32 (1952): 97-109. |
144 | The clipping is from Time, 21 Sept. 1959, and concerns a funding scheme for Kenyan students and British colonialism. [Barack Obama Sr. received funding from this Foundation once he was in the U.S. (] |
145 | The return address typed on the foot of BR's reply shows Robinson's name, but not those of the other original correspondents, Harry Belafonte and Sidney Poitier. |
146 | Aiken refers to her daughter's letter about her boyfriend and to an article by BR in Harper's, which could be one of several in 1926 or 1927. |
147 | Ainsworth's letter describes his geometrical enclosures. |
148 | On Religion and Science and much else. De Alba says his letter will be published posthumously. |
149 | BR is thanked for his donation. |
150 | Alcock writes from Oakville, Ontario. |
151 | BR likes Alcock's probability equations re nuclear war. |
152 | The article is "The Real Cause of the War? Antagonism between Russia and Austria and Germany in Relation to the Near East", The Standard, 2 Jan. 1900. |
153 | Alexander has been reading BR's paper on truth. |
154 | Alexander has changed his name to Alexander-Sinclair. |
155 | |
156 | On reading Why Men Fight. |
157 | BR is unable to go to the Brotherhood annual meeting on Oct. 15, but could he speak at another time? Allen is editor of the Supplement to the Chapel Magazine. |
158 | Allen is interested in being BR's temporary secretary. |
159 | On intuition and Bergson in BR's review of same. |
160 | The letter is a request for the donation of a gift for the union's charity fête. |
161 | |
162 | Re: visiting Lakefield. |
163 | BR has signed and returned two copies of The Faith of a Humanist as requested by Wilkie in document .046867. |
164 | Andrade provides a list of errors in The ABC of Atoms in response to BR's request. |
165 | On BR's idea of non-resistance. |
166 | On translating Justice in War-Time. In French. |
167 | Aomi outlines his book on BR's thought. |
168 | On Aomi's book and the consolations of philosophy in the nuclear age. |
169 | BR's temporary secretary has noted that the letter was answered on 18 June. |
170 | |
171 | |
172 | BR declines to serve on a committee to award an essay prize. |
173 | |
174 | BR has corrected the year from "13". |
175 | This copy is on the verso of Armstrong's letter, document .046987. |
176 | This copy of BR's letter is typed on document .046989. |
177 | Arnett asks for BR's help in having Norman Cousins nominated for the Nobel Peace Prize. |
178 | Arnott makes the Soviet case on the American-Russian impasse on atomic energy control, following BR's recent BBC broadcast. He claims that BR ignores half the facts. |
179 | Arnstein asks how the ideas that he has read about in BR's works can be disseminated. |
180 | BR believes that impartiality is essential for intellectual integrity. He instances his impartiality in politics. |
181 | BR thanks Arnstein for his letter but he has no new information pertaining to the Bradlaugh case. |
182 | Arnstein asks BR if he has any written materials or personal recollections regarding the Bradlaugh case that he could use for his Ph.D. thesis. |
183 | Ashima has returned to Japan and thanks BR for his kindness at Cambridge. |
184 | This letter has been annotated by BR. |
185 | The Asiatic Society awards BR a medal for eminent scholars in the humanities and the sciences. They invite BR to the awards ceremony. |
186 | BR regrets that he cannot go to the awards ceremony. |
187 | Weaver was asked to accept the Rabindranath Tagore Birth Centenary plaque on behalf of BR who could not make the ceremony in India. See document .047003 and document .047004. |
188 | BR is pleased to hear that he was given the award. See documents .047003, .047004 and .047005. |
189 | Asquith met BR at Westminster school in 1938 and Cambridge in 1944. Cynthia Asquith was his mother. He'd like to call on BR again. |
190 | This is a notice of BR's election to membership in the Athenaeum Club. |
191 | A neurosurgeon, Austin asks BR for his views on consciousness. |
192 | BR answers Austin's question on consciousness by stating that the existing categories serve well. |
193 | In German. Ameseder was a colleague of Meinong. |
194 | Note in file in Farley's hand states: "Dinah Avery (cook at Richmond)". |
195 | Bedford tells BR that he cannot visit Woburn Abbey because of "hush-hush" work [at Bletchley]. |
196 | Bedford thanks BR for writing to him about his book. |
197 | BR is reading Bedford's book, Silver-Plated Spoon, and offers some criticisms of his account of Russell family history. |
198 | Edith Russell asks about a political letter that the Duke of Bedford wrote to a journal which BR "meant to cut out". |
199 | The Russells are invited to stay at Woburn Abbey for the exhibit. |
200 | On mathematical logic. |