Total Published Records: 135,239
Record no. | Notes, topics or text |
401 | Bodley's letter led to BR finding out that Pride's Crossing was not named for Colonel Pride. See document .047348. |
402 | Bowle states that BR has liked Bowle's previous books. |
403 | BR has read Bowle's book Minos or Minotaur? and agrees with most of his arguments but argues for population control. |
404 | On BR's book The A B C of Atoms and a definition for energy. |
405 | Boyle has read BR's The A B C of Atoms. |
406 | Braddon thanks BR for a delightful evening. |
407 | The letter is dated by Bradley's complaining reference to a passage on the British "landocracy" holding their land "by the power of the sword" in the August Atlantic Monthly. The article in question is "War and Non-Resistance". |
408 | Bradley, who is at a Home Office Work Centre, wants to confer with BR. |
409 | Bradley read BR's letter in the last issue of the New Statesman "with much interest". It concerns a passage in Lucretius. BR's response is printed on the verso. |
410 | This response to document .047586 is on the verso of that letter. |
411 | On an article Brailsford wrote on one of BR's books, Principles of Social Reconstruction. |
412 | BR has read Brain's book and wishes he knew more about the brain; also on the location of perceptual space. |
413 | Brain has enclosed a copy of his book and discusses perception. |
414 | BR refers Braithwaite to Matthew XI: 34-36 in response to his concerns over BR's opinion on the harm of religion versus gin. It appears that Bertrand Russell is referring to Matthew X: 34ff. |
415 | Braithwaite takes offence at BR's statement on obtaining comfort from religion that "you will do less harm to yourself and to the world if you get it from gin". BR made the remark at a discussion to mark the publication of Wisdom and the West. |
416 | Brand read BR's War, the Offspring of Fear with great pleasure. |
417 | BR lists the works in which he discusses education and he states where his views have changed since their publication, in regards to the role of the state and the emphasis on discipline. |
418 | Brandis asks BR for information on his philosophy of education. |
419 | On knowledge by acquaintance and by description. |
420 | |
421 | BR would be happy to see the Bredsdorffs when they are in Wales at the end of March. |
422 | BR has won the Sonning Prize for 100,000 Danish kroner. Bredsdorff asks if he and his wife may visit BR and Edith Russell when they are in Wales at the end of March. |
423 | Schoenman responds personally to Bredsdorff's suggestion in document .047607. |
424 | On BR's candidature for women's suffrage. |
425 | Brennan praises BR's book, Unarmed Victory. |
426 | BR thanks Brennan for his card and his support. |
427 | BR plans to lecture at Morley College on the "Analysis of Mind", starting October 14. |
428 | BR sends his deepest sympathies for Brereton's loss. BR had known his wife as Doreen Joad and refers to her Russian husband. |
429 | Brereton's wife, Doreen, has committed suicide. |
430 | On BR's radio lectures. A newsclip on BR has been attached to the bottom of the letter indicating the German broadcast of C55.15. |
431 | Bridge is editing the correspondence between W.B. Yeats and T. Sturge Moore for publication. BR and his ideas are discussed in some of the letters, and she encloses those specific references, but is willing to send the whole work if BR wishes to see it. |
432 | BR asks if Bridge is the daughter of Makower, a friend from Cambridge. |
433 | BR questions Bridgeman's views on China and declines to sign a letter without alterations. |
434 | A summary of BR's lecture, "Culture and the State", was sent to Norway. |
435 | BR cannot meet with Hardwari Lal as BR is going to Wales. This response is on the verso of document .047715. |
436 | BR is offered membership on the council of this organization. |
437 | The card is written by hand and reproduced with a photograph of Bridges, who thanks "The Donors of the Clavichord". |
438 | Full name: British Library of Political and Economic Science. |
439 | This response is on the verso of document .047720. |
440 | |
441 | Crombie asks BR's opinion on a submission to the British Journal for the History of Science. It is by Binet. |
442 | |
443 | This document has been annotated by BR: "[Britten was Sec. of Catholic Truth Soc. Had to see Ray and Karin <Costelloe> were brought up as Catholics]". The telegram conveys congratulations on BR's election to a fellowship. |
444 | Britton is crushed by BR's note on the error in his book on Mill. |
445 | Britton did not get the Civil List Pension. |
446 | BR has never studied the evidence for telepathy and thinks that the evidence for foreknowledge and messages from the dead is unconvincing. This response is on the verso of document .047741. |
447 | Broadly asks for BR's opinion on telepathy, foreknowledge and messages from the dead. |
448 | Brockdorff, of Kiel University, asks if BR intends to mark the 250th anniversary of the death of Thomas Hobbes. |
449 | BR responds to Brody's views on freedom. The carbon has several revisions in Schoenman's hand. |
450 | On the measurement of individual liberty and civic freedom. |
451 | BR is asked to speak at a conference at Wayne State University in Detroit, Michigan. The topics to be discussed are "Criticism: an Imperative Art in a Free Society" and "The Arts: Critical Expressions of this Society." The dates of the conference are April 21-23, 1961. |
452 | BR is unable to attend the conference at Wayne State University. |
453 | BR finds America "very worrying". |
454 | On Brooks' trying to get her books published. |
455 | BR will be able to visit Italy, for the British Council, in December. |
456 | Martin asks if BR would be willing to meet the Brazilian philosopher Euryalo Cannabrava while he is in England. The enclosure is a brief c.v. of Cannabrava. |
457 | Augusto Salazar wishes to meet BR while he is in England. He is a professor of philosophy at the University of San Marcos, Peru. |
458 | A.K. Brohi wishes to meet BR while he is in England. |
459 | Hardwari Lal wishes to meet with BR while he is in England. He is the Vice-Chancellor of a newly established Indian University. |
460 | Burtt expresses his admiration for BR's ideas and actions. He recalls BR's writings on his book and introducing BR to a public audience at the University of Chicago. |
461 | BR remembers Burtt's book The Metaphysical Foundations of Modern Science, which he found "very interesting". |
462 | Brooks encloses a letter on BR's book Mysticism and Logic and 2 books that he has written. The letter was sent to The Nation but not published. |
463 | Brown writes on N.C.F. matters from the Woodbrooke settlement. |
464 | Brown invites BR to meet and talk about the Woods, whom they both loved. |
465 | This response to document .047813 is on the verso of that letter. |
466 | On sex and going "back to the land". |
467 | Brown asks for BR's help as his fiancée is nearly a fortnight late. |
468 | This response is written on the verso of document .047815: "Reply Sir the only advice I can give you is to marry the lady at the earliest possible moment. [I suspected the letter as being a trap by the police]". |
469 | |
470 | |
471 | Brown thanks BR for the advice he gave him in 1924 and for the work that he does in general. They also argued over the approach to Nazism in 1939. In B.C. BR's views are much discussed, following a CBC television interview. |
472 | BR states that the 1878 handbill "might be read as contemporary with a few verbal alterations". |
473 | In German. Carnap seeks volume 1 of Principia. |
474 | Brown sends BR handbills of 19th-century political struggles. |
475 | |
476 | On pacifism. (BR's letter was not published in the Bulletin of the War Resisters International for 1931 and 1932. In spring 1931 it printed Einstein's speech, which BR was probably commenting on.) |
477 | Browne is glad BR is with the Union of Democratic Control. |
478 | Kellaway will not be a candidate for Northants (Northamptonshire); is BR interested? |
479 | Browne refers to her notes on the Brotherhood Church incident. |
480 | Brownell thanks BR for complimenting The New Universe (B&R G1). |
481 | BR plans to visit Brudno when he is in Cleveland. She asks him if he would come to her store to sign books while he is there. Her store was the Bookshelf Inc., 10547 Euclid Ave., Cleveland, Ohio. |
482 | In French. |
483 | On wrongdoing in the International Arbitration League. |
484 | BR resigns as Vice-President of the International Arbitration League. |
485 | On the International Arbitration League. The title of the enclosed document is: "Grave Crisis in the I.A.L." and is by George Bryans, Chairperson of the League. |
486 | BR plans to distance himself from the I.A.L. until its problems have been dealt with. |
487 | On relations between England, America and India. Buck was impressed with BR's attitude "the other Sunday". |
488 | The enclosed is a letter to the editor of the Manchester Guardian. |
489 | Buckler was delighted by BR's letter to the Nation, Feb. 10, on the subject of Germany. |
490 | Buckmaster was a relative of Alfred North Whitehead. |
491 | Buckwalter encloses 2 photographs of a bust of br. |
492 | Bugeja would like to attend BR's lectures on the Principles of Mathematics. The name is misspelled in the Feinberg catalogue as "Bugcja". |
493 | BR's comment in old age at the top of the card: "[One of thousands]". In the Auto., he wrote: "A specimen typical of many." |
494 | Bull encloses her letter to the principal of the School of Economic Science for BR to see. |
495 | Bullard has written a book, a satire on life in Cambridge. |
496 | Re books. |
497 | Bunch attacks the negative aspects of British history and culture following BR's "Can Americans and Britons Be Friends?". |
498 | In French. Burali-Forti will participate in the Cambridge Mathematical Congress. |
499 | Burdecki encloses a paper he wrote for BR to read (not present). |
500 | The poem is titled "End of the Summit Birthday". The telegram is signed "Charles, Harold, Nikita, Dwight". |