Total Published Records: 135,142
Record no. | Notes, topics or text |
201 | Bell invites BR to be a Liberal candidate in S. St. Pancras, London, in the next election. |
202 | Berenson likes an essay BR wrote, which BR has identified as "The Free Man's Worship". He has annotated the letter "Answered". |
203 | Mary Berenson thanks BR for helping "Karin". Karin is her daughter Karin Costelloe, whom BR coached for the Moral Sciences Tripos. |
204 | In Italian. |
205 | |
206 | On classes. |
207 | Sir Richard is grateful for BR's letters of electoral support. |
208 | The note states: "With warmest regards and all good wishes from Bob Boothby". The clipping is of Boothby's "Deterrent Fact and Folly", Daily Telegraph, 6 Aug. 1962. |
209 | Boothby is away and Taylor, Boothby's private secretary, writes to tell BR that she will give him the letter when he returns. |
210 | BR thanks Boothby for sending his article from the Daily Telegraph of August 6th. BR agrees with parts and strongly disagrees with others. |
211 | On BR's A History of Western Philosophy. |
212 | On books that BR donated for auction, to benefit the Eleanor Roosevelt Institute for Cancer Research. |
213 | BR is willing to help Born "in the matter you write about". The carbon is typed on the verso of document .047382. |
214 | Born returns the Deed of Covenant duly signed. |
215 | Born asks Niebuhr for a reason why he should sign the Declaration of Freedom and complains of American violations of freedom principles. |
216 | These letters are in the file with document .047390 with Strauss's replies. |
217 | Born writes his support for Pauling who has refused to give the Internal Security Subcommittee of the U.S. Senate the names of scientists who helped him to collect signatures for a petition to the UN on nuclear testing. |
218 | Johnson writes as "Assistant to Lord Russell". |
219 | Farley writes on Schoenman's behalf to thank Born for his donation. |
220 | Rosbaud writes on Max Born's behalf about the publication of the English translation of his "Man and the Atom". |
221 | BR is willing to help with the publication of the English translation of Max Born's "Man and the Atom". |
222 | BR is sorry to hear of Born's illness and wishes him a speedy recovery. (Born died on 5 January 1970.) |
223 | Br's symptoms have not disappeared. |
224 | BR plans to participate in a demonstration despite Boyd's concerns. BR thanks Boyd for his donation. He has had no discomfort since adopting the liquid diet, except increasing deafness. This response is on the verso of document .047477. |
225 | Edith Russell asks for more letters from Boyd because she expects to be sent to jail again soon and Boyd's letters have, in the past, ensured that she and BR received proper medical and dietary care in prison. |
226 | BR has read Braby's book. Braby would like to meet with BR in person to discuss it further. |
227 | |
228 | Vanessa Redgrave is a dear friend. |
229 | |
230 | On an article BR wrote in Mind, "On the Notion of Order" (C01.01). Record 74802 is a corrected transcription with a carbon copy of this document. |
231 | This is the first of 9 letters to Bradley, written in 1900-14, and are transcribed in the same file. There is also a title page, an annotation on the title page and a separate note in the file. The transcription was made by Alan Wood from the original letters at Merton College, Oxford, on 28 August 1953, and Wood has occasionally annotated it. |
232 | Dated by BR. Brenan gives "An exact account of the situation in Spain". |
233 | A note in the file states: "This letter is from Mrs. Gerald Brenan, wife of the author of the Spanish Labyrinth and other books. I stayed with them at Malaga for a considerable time." Gamel Brenan mentions hoping to read Power. |
234 | Brenan follows what BR does. |
235 | BR praises the letter in one of his own to Ottoline at record 18616. |
236 | BR identifies people in Brett's letter at document .047681. |
237 | On reconstructing the passage on "Thought" from Principles of Social Reconstruction. |
238 | BR explains the importance of rhythm and cadence in his prose and is honoured that his prose is compared with the biblical passage on charity. |
239 | On BR's theory of judgment, specifically as to the sense of a relation. |
240 | On no-conscription matters. Brockway calls BR "mephy". |
241 | On Lloyd George and the Lords. |
242 | |
243 | |
244 | Brockway has written an article for his school magazine and sends it to BR to read. |
245 | BR is invited to Brockway's 70th birthday celebration on November 1. |
246 | BR is unable to attend Brockway's birthday celebration because he will not be in London at that time. |
247 | This is from "Persian Browne", as a separate note by BR states. |
248 | Burdett notes that BR has received the Minor Scholarship. |
249 | A slip of paper was inserted between pp. 10-11 of Helda Eng's The Psychology of Children's Drawings (Russell's Library, no. 1617). |
250 | A slip of paper was inserted between pp. 194-5 of Helda Eng's The Psychology of Children's Drawings (Russell's Library, no. 1617). |
251 | BR's note at the top of the page states: "Miss Young was the ex-governess of my friend Maud Burdett". |
252 | A "sent at the request of the author" slip was inserted between the half-title and title pages of F.C.S. Schiller's Logic for Use (Russell's Library, no. 1606). |
253 | |
254 | BR sympathizes with Brockway over the way the press distorts the truth. |
255 | On two- and three-valued logics and never admiring the work of Korzybski. |
256 | BR said good things about Thompson's book, Yield to the Night. |
257 | A catalogue request slip was inserted between pp. 96-7 of F.C.S. Schiller's Logic for Use (Russell's Library, no. 1606). |
258 | A "with the compliments of" (with Kaufmann's typed name) slip was inserted between the front endpapers of Walter Kaufmann's The Faith of a Heretic (Russell's Library, no. 1765). |
259 | This is note wishing BR a happy birthday and mentioning that a small present was inserted between the front endpapers and the half-title page of F.M. Cornford's Microcosmographia Academica (Russell's Library, no. 1782). Presumably the book was the present referred to in the letter. |
260 | A pipe cleaner was inserted between pp. 112-13 of Basil Davidson's Old Africa Rediscovered (Russell's Library, no. 1780). BR marked p. 74. |
261 | A "advance copy" card was inserted between pp. 116-17, the start of the chapter "On American Leisure" in Irwin Edman's The Uses of Philosophy (Russell's Library, no. 1776). |
262 | BR agrees to speak at the National Guilds League meeting on September 28, and provides his philosophy of the state. |
263 | Bader draws BR's attention to a discrepancy in the cost of funding the Cold War. In his book, Has Man a Future?, BR states that it costs £3,000,000,000, but Bader says it is closer to £100,000,000,000 per year. |
264 | Re document .047073, BR thanks Bader for bringing the mistake to his attention. He has forwarded the information to his publishers and they plan to put an erratum slip in all future editions. |
265 | Bailey's boys school is in Liverpool. |
266 | On scepticism, education, and teacher-training for Beacon Hill School. |
267 | Baillie, a childhood friend of BR's from Richmond, writes from Kelowna, B.C., Canada. |
268 | On the death of Jimmie Baillie. |
269 | Baker admits that BR was correct about the strength of German social democracy before the war. |
270 | On Jews in eastern Europe, and anti-semitism in Hungary. |
271 | Baldelli is an anarchist. |
272 | Balfour agrees to be useful to the British Institute of Philosophical Studies. |
273 | Ballantine is a niece of Emma Goldman. The dating requires confirmation. |
274 | Baltus writes from Newnham College and mentions Lady Ottoline Morrell. |
275 | In French. Re Tom Mooney. |
276 | This letter has been annotated by BR in his secretary's hand. |
277 | Barfield enjoyed BR's lecture course, "Principles of Social Reconstruction". |
278 | Lady Barlow approves of BR's article in the Labour Leader. |
279 | Barnes became Bishop of Birmingham. He writes about the loss of BR's lectureship at Trinity College. |
280 | |
281 | Barnes quotes his own letter to the New Witness in defence of BR, probably re his Principles of Social Reconstruction. |
282 | Baron would be delighted to take some photographs of BR's wife. |
283 | BR is congratulated for being "at the head of Friday's list". |
284 | Barrs seeks BR's advice on a career in education. |
285 | On education and conventional vs. experimental schools. |
286 | A chair that BR was having recovered in 1948 is ready for pickup. |
287 | |
288 | Barwise raises the issue of old and new religions. |
289 | BR prefers older religions to newer ones like communism. |
290 | Barzin admires BR's works on the philosophy of mathematics. |
291 | |
292 | Bathurst objects to statements on service pensions and rent in BR's Town Hall speech, Chelsea. |
293 | BR will sue Bathurst if he says BR is lying at his last public meeting, Sydney Hall, Pond's Place, November 5. |
294 | In French. BR is asked to join the group. |
295 | BR's note in the file states, "Gertrude Beasley was a Texas school teacher who wrote an autobiography that Scotland Yard considered obscene. I tried to help her." |
296 | Beaton suggests that Cambridge pacifists form a branch of the "Stop-the-War" Committee. |
297 | BR thanks Beecher for sending him a copy of his book of poems. |
298 | Bennett sends BR a proof copy of Volume 1 of his book The Dramatic Universe, and asks that he read it. |
299 | Beeson recalls BR speaking at a "Hands Off China" meeting in 1927, and now BR is due to speak again. The letter was answered on 21/01/48. |
300 | On M. Beeson's impending prosecution for refusing military service. |