Total Published Records: 135,340
Record no. | Notes, topics or text |
301 | Begbie has asked BR to read a manuscript. He would like it returned to send to the Manchester Guardian overnight. |
302 | Bell opens by quoting from BR's preceding letter to him about seeing examples of his writing. |
303 | BR has been invited back to Cambridge. |
304 | A "Note to the Reader" card was inserted between the front endpapers of Charles Curtis' A Commonplace Reader (Russell's Library, no. 1772). |
305 | On mathematical problems, arising probably from Bendorf's reading of Introduction to Mathematical Philosophy. |
306 | Benjamin reread BR's book Icarus, or the Future of Science and has sent BR an article he wrote that explains his views on the same issues. |
307 | BR received Benjamin's letter of August 19. See document .047179. |
308 | Schoenman thanks Benjamin on BR's behalf for his letter and his recent help with the Warren Commission Report. |
309 | See document .047179, record 74517. BR writes to the secretary of the RPA on behalf of Jack Benjamin to look into his claims of mistreatment by the New York branch of the organization. BR enclosed a copy of Benjamin's letter with his. |
310 | |
311 | A business card with an additional note: "Dear Lord Russell—From one aphoriphile to another—a book of truly aphoridisiac quality. See pg. 270 and 177" was inserted between pp. 82-3 of Charles Curtis' A Commonplace Reader (Russell's Library, no. 1772). |
312 | A note in the file says See also: file for Miles Malleson for related correspondence. |
313 | Bennett is a captain and an associate of BR's from Trinity College. |
314 | Professor Yang Tang-han, a friend of Bennett's, is in England and would like to meet BR. |
315 | BR is reading material sent to him by Bennett, who analyzes the "Militant Marxism" in it. BR comments: "It is a frightful thing to see an old and rich civilization deliberately destroyed". |
316 | Hopson returns Bennett's letter to BR analyzing some Chinese Communist documents. |
317 | Bennett asks BR if he has made any progress re sense-data and for news of George Lamb, BR's student in 1910-12. |
318 | BR is away. Schoenman writes at the top: "bertie—please note". |
319 | Bentwich thanks BR for writing Justice in War-Time. |
320 | On BR winning the Sonning Prize. |
321 | On BR winning the Sonning Prize. |
322 | Re Amethe von Zeppelin. The year is assumed from BR and Edith's letter of 3 December 1959. |
323 | In German. On Principia matters. |
324 | BR has annotated the letter: "[a fellow of King's, and the first senior wrangler I ever met]". |
325 | BR is invited to a dinner at Passfield Hall re the history of the London School of Economics. |
326 | Bevington has thought of BR "surely every day of my life since we last met". |
327 | BR is asked to give an appraisal of Bevington for a Guggenheim Fellowship. |
328 | Telegram reads: "Your action and [sic] inspiration to our increased efforts I salute you both". |
329 | Edith russell sends a message of support for the 16% programme, concerning world poverty. |
330 | On Common Sense and Nuclear Warfare. |
331 | Bevan thanks BR for sending his book before it was published. The book must be Common Sense and Nuclear Warfare. |
332 | Bharati is a Viennese-born teacher of philosophy and a Hindu monk. Fischer is his original name. His godfather was Wittgenstein's uncle, Leopold Sternberg. |
333 | Bibesco asks BR to join a committee re fascism. |
334 | BR hopes to return to stay with Bibesco. |
335 | Br's response to this letter is on the verso. |
336 | BR thanks Bickersteth for the photo he sent of BR when he was young. BR asks what his relationship to John Bickersteth is. This response is on the verso of document .047290. |
337 | This letter has been annotated by BR. |
338 | Bickford has read BR's Education and the Good Life. |
339 | Bidder requests that BR's visitors do not trespass on Bidder's "Plantation" (in Bagley Wood). |
340 | Biquard encloses transcriptions of some of BR's correspondence with Frédéric Joliot-Curie, seeking BR's permission to publish his letters in his biography of Joliot-Curie. |
341 | BR asks for copies of the letters between him and Joliot-Curie in 1955 that Biquard wants to publish. |
342 | This response is on the verso of document .047305. |
343 | Bird sends proofs of photographs of BR and Lady Russell and asks that they choose the ones they like. |
344 | BR states that he is not anti-American. |
345 | Birkin admires BR's courage in his anti-nuclear campaigns. |
346 | Black thinks BR will hardly remember him, but wants to come to tea. |
347 | A note in the file states: See also Challenge in the publishers corr. Black is taking a typed copy of BR's Challenge article. |
348 | On Justice in War-Time. |
349 | Blackett sends BR his presidential address, "Technology and World Advancement", to the British Association and asks for BR's comments on it. BR's response is on the verso, document .047315. |
350 | On her and BR's imprisonment. |
351 | There is also an explanatory note in the file by BR: "Blake was a friend of ours in America. 'Pam', Pamela Campbell, was my children's governess." Blake states he will type a few copies of BR's "long and detailed" letter to send on. The letter concerns the break-up of BR's third marriage. (See the copy BR sent to Kate Tait at record 52543.) |
352 | Blake sent this letter c/o John Russell because he worries that the FBI would open mail addressed to BR. |
353 | On BR's television appearance "last night" (the Freeman interview). |
354 | BR invites Blanshard and his wife to visit him. |
355 | Bligh is writing a book about Midhurst and asks Edith Russell for some information on Wilfrid Blunt. |
356 | Edith Russell is unable to give Bligh the information he asked for in document .047326. BR and she look forward to his book on Midhurst. |
357 | Bliven sends BR the review he wrote of BR's new book in the New Republic. He also plans to have his publisher send BR a copy of his book, Preview for Tomorrow: The Unfinished Business of Science. |
358 | Blombach writes of his appreciation of BR's books. Br's note at the top reads: "send thanks and appreciation". |
359 | Patricia Russell writes to thank Blombach for his letter. She sends him a copy of BR's Human Knowledge. The letter is unsigned. |
360 | Bluhm asks BR's permission to translate some of his works into German, especially The Conquest of Happiness, of which he provides a specimen translation. |
361 | Blunt is the executor of Sydney Cockerell and wants to interview Edith for a memoir. |
362 | |
363 | BR explains why he believes it would have been better for the world if the Germans had won World War I. |
364 | Bisgyer asks, on behalf of B'nai B'rith, for any letters BR may have from Albert Einstein for an exhibit of the contributions the Jewish people have made to the advancement of western civilization. Specifically they would like the letter Einstein wrote to BR in support of BR's statement calling for the abolition of war. |
365 | Morrison, from the U.K. B'nai B'rith, has enclosed a letter from the American branch about the letter from Einstein, and the new issue of This Is B'nai B'rith. See document .047338. |
366 | Edith sends a tie and an accompanying note for the B'nai B'rith Annual Exposition, Automotive Building, Exhibition Park, Toronto, Canada. BR has worn the tie, which will be auctioned at the 10th Annual Spring Bazaar together with the letter. BR's letter is printed in Dear BR, p. 178. |
367 | BR has disagreed with Peirce's view of pure mathematics as Bôcher put it in his St. Louis address. |
368 | Bodley writes for information on Colonel Pride and Pride's crossing in Massachusetts. |
369 | On race relations in the U.S. |
370 | BR congratulates Boggs on his book, The American Revolution, and asks his opinion on the possibility of the involvement of middle and working class Americans in a conscious revolt and whether white Americans will understand the revolt of black Americans. BR mentions automation. |
371 | In Latin sine inflexione. BR indicated he replied to the letter. |
372 | Bolbjerg asks BR for a letter of recommendation for the Danish Ministry of Education so he can extend his leave of absence and continue his studies at the British Museum. |
373 | |
374 | Edith Russell is thanked for her letter and support for a National Television Council. This letter was written by the campaign secretary on Violet Bonham-Carter's behalf. |
375 | Bonsmann requests a copy of "The Tasks of Philosophy in Our Time", which was re-broadcast in German on RIAS. Edith Russell notes that English proofs were sent to Bonsmann. |
376 | Bonyun, who is writing a M.A. thesis at McGill, asks BR about identity. |
377 | Booker inquires about the 2 systems of philosophy that BR asserts Leibniz held. |
378 | BR answers Booker's question concerning Leibniz by naming the royalty whom Leibniz tried to please. |
379 | It has been many years since BR has worked on mathematical logic. |
380 | Note in file states: "From Eva Gore Booth [she came out of prison just as BR went in]". The handwriting is Edith Russell's. There is no letter but 2 poems. |
381 | BR's note states: "Scipione Borghese was the head of the Borghese family and the winner of the Peking-to-Paris motor race. He was called (at the time of this letter) the Winston Churchill of Italy. I lost sight of him shortly afterwards." |
382 | Bosanquet has received a copy of BR's Introduction to Mathematical Philosophy. |
383 | A note in the file states: "See next letter 710.047430 which dates this letter at 1926 or 27." |
384 | BR is unable to help with the Tagore Centenary because of a crisis with the work against nuclear warfare. |
385 | Also in the file: BR's 1960s note referring to the fire incident at Beacon Hill. The letter has binder holes. |
386 | On a fire that 2 students, David and Jackie, started at Beacon Hill School. This letter is to the boy's father. |
387 | BR approves of a written protest against race persecution. This response is on the verso of document .047443. |
388 | Bottome wants BR to support a written protest against the growth of race persecution. |
389 | BR has annotated this letter: "boughey was my tutor. Fitzgerald became a famous mountaineer". |
390 | Bouquet remarks on BR's Christian attitude during a BBC television Brains Trust "yesterday". (It's noted in Papers 29.) |
391 | On the problems with Christianity and why BR is opposed to all organized creeds. |
392 | Bousfield is a Harley St. doctor. He refers to a woman's pages of "curious erotic material", which probably means those of Gertrude Beasley. |
393 | In French. |
394 | On the political outlook. He refers to the "Goths sacked Rome" passage of Principles of Social Reconstruction. |
395 | The enclosed document is entitled, "What the Spirit Sayeth to the Allies". Bowen writes about his visions and the effect that BR's recent article in Hibbert Journal, "Mysticism and Logic", has had on him. |
396 | Bower asks for information regarding BR's eating habits for a record of the dietary habits of distinguished men and women. |
397 | Bowes sends BR a copy of Dr. P. Bowes' book, The Concept of Morality, in the hope that BR will give an appreciation of it for her publishers. |
398 | BR is ill, but has looked at P. Bowes' book and feels that if her second book is at the same level, her publishers should publish it. |
399 | Bowes writes c/o BR's secretary. Bowes thanks BR for his approval of her book The Concept of Morality and hopes that he will recover from his illness soon. |
400 | Blanshard will submit BR's "immortal verse" for publication. |