Total Published Records: 135,392
Record no. | Notes, topics or text |
501 | Michael Burn wrote on one side of this card and Mary Burn on the other. |
502 | |
503 | BR and the Michael Burns were ill around the same time. |
504 | Cantor asks BR to go to Paris with him to meet Poincaré. He encloses a letter from Margaret I. Corbett Ashby (her letter of introduction is at record 75982 with her envelope remaining in this file). Her name is written "Ashley" by Cantor. |
505 | On the distribution of Gilbert Murray's Foreign Policy of Sir Edward Grey. |
506 | Burt writes about Dora having left for Russia and mentions BR's telegrams about this matter. |
507 | Bushell congratulates BR on his Fellowship. BR has annotated the letter with the story of Whitehead burning the marks "in entrance scholarships". |
508 | Christopher Butler is the Abbot of Downside, with whom BR had a BBC discussion. |
509 | Butler thanks BR for his letter to the editor re The Magus. "My admiration for you has been life-long and intense." |
510 | Butler believes he has a theory of perception similar to BR's and is sending his book, Science and Human Life. Butler is a professor of physical chemistry. |
511 | On Germany. She forwards Muhlestein's letter to her and his book, and writes of the interest of Germans in BR's views of the "peace". She refers to Nelson (probably Leonard Nelson), also to the Welt Jugund Bund. |
512 | Buxton encloses 18 personal cards for introducing BR to his influential or well-known European friends. |
513 | Bynner would like to send BR his book on the Lawrences, Journey with Genius, and his English translation of Laotzu's sayings. Bynner knew BR in Peking. |
514 | There is an explanatory note in the file by BR: "? Cadenat, a French mathematical philosopher". Cadenat's correspondence concerns his translation of An Essay on the Foundations of Geometry. |
515 | Note in the file states: "The Master, Trinity". In congratulating BR on his examination success, Butler praises both BR's mathematics and English "books". |
516 | An event "next week" is referred to in this letter dated simply Oct. 11. It may be a celebration of BR's Fellowship. Butler's husband, Montague Butler, congratulated BR on it on Oct. 10, 1895. |
517 | BR has been appointed lecturer in logic and the principles of mathematics for 5 years from Oct. 1, 1910. |
518 | BR is expected to pay for guests' dinners in Hall. |
519 | On a Fellowship for BR, if BR should "continue to devote yourself" to philosophy and mathematics. |
520 | On a Fellowship and the purpose of two terms' leave of absence. |
521 | BR is offered a lectureship in logic and mathematics for 5 years from July 1, 1920. |
522 | BR is asked to speak at the first public meeting of the Trinity College Labour Club. |
523 | BR is asked for the subject of his lectures and the number of lectures that he will be giving. A note in the file states: "From Winstanley—a Don at Cambridge—more or less of a pacifist". |
524 | BR is asked to visit a memorial for Sir Arthur Tansley. |
525 | BR has not made up his mind as to where he plans to leave his archives or papers, but "I should be proud to be in the neighbourhood of Lycidas." (Milton attended Trinity.) |
526 | Nicholas visited the memorial for Sir Arthur Tansley. The enclosed document is Nicholas's report to council on the Tansley Memorial. Tansley's quotation of BR is recalled: "It can be regarded as an axiom that any view which includes Chanctonbury Ring is a good view." Chanctonbury is near Chichester, South Downs. |
527 | The Boat Club's index of old members has been lost. BR is asked to fill out a form for a new one. |
528 | Burton is a Libertarian. He met BR in New York in 1942. |
529 | Schoenman looks forward to seeing Carnap if he has time. |
530 | Most, if not all, of the senders are in the Philosophy department at UCLA. They express their support for BR, who had recently been sentenced to a week in prison (Sept. 12-18 [SLBR 2: 547]). "Kalish" is misspelled "Calaish". |
531 | BR is asked to write a paper for the next session of the Aristotelian Society. A transcription of this letter is in the same file. |
532 | BR is honoured to have been re-elected President of the Aristotelian Society. |
533 | Catlin asks where it is that BR treats the psychological drives in mankind. |
534 | BR is so busy at present that he cannot plan to see his friends. |
535 | Bahadur has read BR's essays and asks to know his views on God and immortality. He also asks where European philosophy stands on the matter as well. |
536 | |
537 | BR is asked to contribute an article for the Eastern Miscellany [Dōngfāng zázhì in pinyin], the paper that Chu writes for. Yang gives detailed instructions on what they would like and BR would be given $100 compensation. The Eastern Miscellany has published many of BR's articles in translation. In a note at the top, BR agreed to contribute. |
538 | On translating "event" into Chinese from BR's last lecture. |
539 | List of hotels, travelling suggestions and acquaintances in Marseilles and the Far East. |
540 | Box is trying to find information on the American agreement for Canton. |
541 | On the Canadian Pacific Ocean Service's regulations regarding the sleeping arrangements of unmarried passengers of the opposite sex, with particular application to BR and Dora. The exclusive use of one cabin is suggested. |
542 | Oon asks if BR would speak at a meeting on Nov. 25 about his impressions of the Chinese people or anything else about China. |
543 | Chang asks questions about logic and would like to buy Principia Mathematica. |
544 | This is a letter of introduction for the Russells to meet Chang's brother when in China. |
545 | See the article on him in Russell, n.s. 11 (winter 1991). |
546 | It has been 9 months since Chang last saw BR and he wonders if he could see him again. |
547 | Chao is sorry to have been late in welcoming BR to China. |
548 | Chen would like to meet with BR while in London. Chen was in the US when BR was in Peking, but had heard that BR was very popular and welcome there. |
549 | Chen hopes that this letter will be presented to BR. He wants to hear about BR's social philosophy. |
550 | Chinese students in London want to meet with BR. |
551 | On the best way to help China's development, and whether BR really believes education and industrialization should precede socialism. |
552 | This is an invitation card for a meeting to welcome the Russells back from China. |
553 | Chu would like to meet BR for lunch "some time next week" to discuss BR's trip to China. |
554 | Chu sends BR his manuscript "Our Real Self" and asks BR to write a foreword for it. BR met Chu 30 years before while in China. |
555 | On the arrangement for accommodations on the ship from China. Dora Russell is to berth with Eileen Power and BR is to have his own. |
556 | Driesch is to lecture at Peking University on philosophy for the 1922–23 term. BR held the same position for 1920–21, and Driesch writes to ask for advice on practical matters of living in China. |
557 | Hsia welcomes BR and "Mrs. Russell" to China and asks for an interview with him. Hsia also wants to know if "the lady editor" of the paper, Miss Wang, would be given the opportunity to interview "Mrs. Russell", i.e. Dora Black. |
558 | Dewey thanks Koo for the souvenir and is amazed by the stone colour reproductions done by the Yu Tseng Books Company. |
559 | |
560 | |
561 | Emery sends BR a pamphlet which was published in the Yale Review titled "Under Which King, Bezonian?". He wants to hear BR's criticism of it. |
562 | BR has read Emery's pamphlet and thinks that his facts are accurate. He is, however, surprised by the main question about capitalism versus communism. He feels that capitalism in unjust and that communism is just. |
563 | |
564 | Greene explains to BR why the management of the Peking Hospital has adopted a policy by which practitioners not connected to the institution are not allowed to send patients. |
565 | Harding wants to visit BR by car in Cornwall. He comments that much water has "flown" under many bridges since they met in Peking, where he was with the British Legation. See record 131315 for evidence of the visit. |
566 | Scott, writing from Japan, sends his sympathy to Harding regarding the "death" of BR and wants Harding to convey his sympathy to Miss Black. |
567 | The Mutual Aid Society is pleased to have the opportunity to meet BR. Hsui informs BR that Mr. Fu will be present to translate for him. |
568 | The General Educational Association of Hunan welcomes BR to China and invites him to visit Hunan province. |
569 | |
570 | Ishimoto invites BR to stay with him in Tokyo and is willing to accommodate his travelling expenses. |
571 | Johnston sends BR a book which deals with a question they talked about. |
572 | Liang thanks BR for his letter and informs him that a small committee has been recently formed by the Chinese residents in Britain. |
573 | Medhurst writes to BR about what he grasped from BR's lecture the night before. He also informs BR that his formal letter regarding interpretation will be completed in a day or two. |
574 | Muirhead asks BR if he would be willing to consider a course of lectures at the Government University, Peking, China. |
575 | Fu would like Muirhead to ask BR to come to China for a year to give some lectures. BR would be paid £2000 and his travelling expenses. |
576 | Odaka would like BR to observe the circumstances of Japan and to then to teach them how to get out of their difficulties. |
577 | Peffer feels that there is more happening in Canton than in Peking and therefore thinks that BR would find Canton more politically interesting to visit. |
578 | |
579 | The Shun Pao apologizes to BR for addressing the lady BR brought with him as Mrs. Russell. He says that he will make the correction in the paper so that everyone can learn the truth tomorrow. This concerns Dora Black, later Dora Russell. |
580 | Li informs BR that Sin Wan Pao is going to publish a special supplement in commemoration of the anniversary of the Chinese Republic. He would like BR to send an article to be published in the paper on 1 January 1921. |
581 | This is a receipt for BR's subscription to the Peking & Tientsin Times. |
582 | Ting sends BR two pamphlets (not present) to show that his visit was not forgotten. He informs BR that he is resigning from the civil service to become manager of a coal mining company. |
583 | Ting protests against the statement written about BR which says that "It must be admitted that he (Mr. Russell) did not make a very profound and deep-going impression here in China". |
584 | Tsen studied BR's ideas in "The Society for the Research of Russell's Theory" in Peking but was not capable of understanding them. Therefore he is now enrolled in a 3 year program to study the radical sciences. Afterwards he is going to become BR's student in England. |
585 | Tsuchita declares his admiration for BR. |
586 | Wang encloses a letter to BR from Mr. Chen, editor of La Jeunesse. |
587 | Watanabe sends BR 3 small pamphlets which are in Japanese. He believes that someone will be able to translate them into English for BR. |
588 | Wu Ming-Hsea has written an article which is to appear in Wei Yi Je Rao, where he has just read a speech by BR. |
589 | Robert Young is an admirer of BR and hopes to meet him if BR decides to visit Japan before he leaves for England. |
590 | Younge asks BR questions that he had wished to ask after his lecture. |
591 | Yourin accepts BR's invitation to dinner with Miss Black. He also informs BR that translations of his letter and article have already been sent to Shanghai Life for publication. [Possibly Paper 38 in Papers 15.] |
592 | Yuan, an old member of Peking Government University, is honoured to have BR in China. He informs BR that they are anxious to gain knowledge of the social revolutionary philosophy and hope that BR would be able to provide this. |
593 | BR's article in "today's Observer" in cited, namely "promoting virtuous conduct". |
594 | |
595 | Houchin heard BR's broadcast on the European Service two weeks ago. |
596 | The Lawrences refer to BR's articles in Reynolds News (which are unknown to B&R). |
597 | Bellows refers to BR's Look article. |
598 | Greenaway refers to an item in the Truth Seeker citing BR saying that there is no God. |
599 | |
600 | Hingert requests an autographed copy of the 3 vols. of Principia. |