Total Published Records: 135,296
Record no. | Notes, topics or text |
135208 | "Tues. night" |
135209 | |
135210 | Farley and Pottle thank Griffiths for lunch, and look forward to further discussions. |
135211 | BR asks if Getty will meet with his secretaries to discuss BR's project concerning the question of nuclear warfare. |
135212 | Farley writes to express his embarrassment at having asked Glyn for financial support, but to also outline his reasons for doing so. He explains that running a "miniature Foreign Office" since the last fortnight cost a minimum of £120 per week. A large sum of money all at once would embarrass BR, so Farley would like Glyn to consider how best to make his contributions. |
135213 | Dr. Glyn assures Farley there is no need for embarrassment in asking for financial support of a cause so worthy as nuclear disarmament. He asks Farley for "a few more days to decide how to use the money I spoke of last night", and promises to call in the coming days. |
135214 | Farley thanks Glyn for his letter. He includes the London telephone number for April Carter, which he had neglected to do previously. |
135215 | Farley informs Glyn that while he and BR are in support of Glyn's advertising project, they feel it would not be an effective use of funds, especially since the peace work is desperately short of money. While he would like to assist Glyn, Farley and the BRPF are now overwhelmed with work in the wake of the Cuban Missile Crisis. |
135216 | Glyn admits that he, like Farley, is uncertain about launching an educational campaign, as his £2000 contribution is not enough to avoid failure. He would welcome any suggestions from Farley or his friends on how to get a campaign off the ground. Glyn is also interested in Strauss's recent anti-Spiegel articles in the West German press, and requests that Farley introduce him to any Der Spiegel editorial staff he may know. |
135217 | In the wake of the Cuban Missile Crisis and the Sino-Indian conflict, BR's work has increased substantially. Schoenman asks Glyn for financial support. |
135218 | Glyn confirms that he has a sum of money to donate to BR's peace activism, but is waiting to see which scheme "seems most likely to bear fruit." He suggests that if Schoenman is going to continue appealing to the public for money, he should provide detailed, audited accounts; similar endeavours have suffered as a result of this same inaction. |
135219 | Schoenman differentiates between Russell's peace work and the work of (L. John) Collins for the CND. Russell's work in approaching private individuals is a massive undertaking "for what amounts to an international office", and as such is deserving of Glyn's support. |
135220 | Handwritten draft regarding the United States's aggression towards Cuba and the worsening of the nuclear crisis in the West. The enclosures are documents 400712 and 400714. |
135221 | Gregory will be in London and would like to meet with BR at his convenience. |
135222 | BR asks if Gulbenkian will meet with two of his secretaries regarding BR's upcoming project regarding nuclear warfare. |
135223 | Gulbenkian suggests that BR's secretaries meet with representatives of the Foundation established by Gulbenkian's father to deal with deal with charitable and other appeals. |
135224 | Farley appeals to Guttuzzo for financial support of BR's peace work. |
135225 | Schoenman appeals to Hancock for financial support of BR's peace work. |
135226 | Harvey encourages Farley to write to his American friend, Professor (Helmut) Hungerland, as a potential financial supporter of BR's peace work. |
135227 | Farley thanks Harvey for referring him to Professor Hungerland. |
135228 | Farley asks Heifetz for financial support of BR's peace work. |
135229 | Holland thanks BR for his work to avoid nuclear war as a result of the Cuban Missile Crisis. Holland and BR will both be in London for a few days at the same time, and Holland would very much like to meet BR if possible. |
135230 | BR would be pleased to meet with Holland, and advises Holland to contact his London secretary to arrange a meeting. |
135231 | Farley is pleased that Holland was able to meet BR, and hopes that Holland will consider financial support of BR's peace work. |
135232 | Schoenman appeals to Hope for financial support of BR's peace work. |
135233 | Schoenman appeals to Herrick for financial support of BR's peace work. |
135234 | Schoenman appeals to Hungerland for financial support of BR's peace work. |
135235 | Pottle thanks Ibbetson for meeting with him, and will be in touch after Easter. |
135236 | BR thanks Ibbetson for meeting with his secretaries, and for his financial support. He asks Ibbetson not to mention plans for the Atlantic Peace Foundation until it's been announced publicly. |
135237 | Ellis thanks Ibbetson for meeting with him, and for his financial support. He looks forward to hearing the result of Ibbetson's conversations with Barnett Shine and others on their behalf, and cautions silence regarding plans for the proposed Atlantic Peace Foundation. |
135238 | Ibbetson sends a cheque for £25 as a donation to the Atlantic Peace Foundation. |
135239 | Farley thanks Ibbetson for sending a cheque to the Atlantic Peace Foundation. |
135240 | Schoenman asks Johnson to send £10 that Schoenman wrote him about. |
135241 | Ellis thanks Johnson for his gift to the Atlantic Peace Foundation. |
135242 | "Sunday night." BR wrote this letter "by the roadside" as he cycled to to Marlborough to post the Whitehead family letters and his own. This letter was originally catalogued with that at record 17252. |
135243 | Monday evening. Dated by BR's saying it was a Bank Holiday and his reference to "Last Bank Holiday I travelled from Fernhurst to Southampton on my way to Studland." The letter was previously catalogued with that at record 17177. He wonders if today will be the last time he would ever see Karin Stephen. |
135244 | BR asks if Marks will meet with his secretaries to discuss BR's long-term project concerning nuclear warfare. |
135245 | Goodman informs Russell that Lord Marks is not interested in discussing BR's plans concerning nuclear warfare. |
135246 | Farley asks Maugham for financial support of BR's peace work. |
135247 | Somerset informs Farley that he is unable to make a financial contribution to BR's peace work. |
135248 | Farley thanks Maugham for his response and refers to the “appalling gravity of the world situation”. |
135249 | Farley asks Mauriac for financial support of BR's peace work. |
135250 | Donald acknowledges BR's letter and will present it to Maxwell. |
135251 | BR offers his thanks for Melly's generous support and sends her an unspecified booklet of his. |
135252 | Farley thanks Melly for her generous support of BR's peace work. He encloses (not present) a copy of BR's 90th birthday programme. |
135253 | Farley thanks Melly for hosting Pat Pottle and himself recently, as well as for Melly's financial support of BR's peace work. Farley provides the bank account address of the BR Peace Fund. |
135254 | BR thanks Melly for his support of BR's peace work. |
135255 | BR thanks Meyrich for her contribution to his peace work. |
135256 | Michaels asks Schoenman to outline BR's positive course of action as it pertains to peace work. |
135257 | Schoenman sends (not present) Michaels a brochure outlining BR's programme of action, and requests Michaels's financial support. |
135258 | Schoenman thanks Michels for his letter, and hopes he will be able to provide financial support. |
135259 | Milligan promises to read BR's unspecified book of stories "at the first opportunity", and let BR know if it would make a good musical or play. |
135260 | BR thanks Milligan for his letter. |
135261 | As the BRPF is currently involved in multiple projects concerning the war in Vietnam, including sponsoring meetings throughout Britain and holding a National Conference of Solidarity with the Vietnamese people, BR asks for Milligan's financial support. |
135262 | Milligan enquires (of "Sir Bertram") after the financial state of the BRPF, the progress of its projects, and BR's health. |
135263 | BR's secretaries were unable to meet with Milligan at his recent theatre appearance, so BR asks if Milligan would contact Christopher Farley to arrange a meeting. |
135264 | Farley thanks Moreno for meeting him and for her support. He asks her to find one or two other people who would be willing to provide financial support for BR's peace work. |
135265 | Farley asks if the expected cheque from Morris will be forthcoming. |
135266 | BR thanks Morris for his financial support of the BRPF. |
135267 | Schoenman asks Murray for financial support for BR's peace work. |
135268 | "Wed. afternoon. Sp. 27 1911 My Dearest Dearest—I was well rewarded for not staying the night at Lockeridge by finding two letters from you when I got back and yet another by the 1st post this mg." |
135269 | A list of films in which Sarah Miles had acted by 1964. At the top are filing instructions: Foundation -- Finance. Miles was, or was to become, the wife of Robert Bolt. |
135270 | Then a professor of religious studies at Wales, Cardiff, and previously in philosophy, Palmer, who visited RA on 18 August 1997, encloses his recollection of BR's speech at Westminster School, [20 Nov. 1948]. A student then, he describes the bombed-out school Hall in Dean's Yard, London SW1. Some boys were allowed in as ushers or fill-ups around the edges. BR spoke from a low dais with a lecturn in front of him. Those further back could see only his crown of white air above the lecturn. During question period an elderly lady asked him to stand on something. "Russell's talk was to this effect: the terrible possibilities revealed by atomic bombs meant that peace and indeed human life could be preserved only by a strong and armed world- government. We should form one at once. If the Russians refused to join, we should drop the bomb on Moscow to compel them to." The scene returned to Palmer many years later. "There is, I think, no longer any serious dispute over what Russell then advocated.". Palmer cites Auto., 3: 18. The acquisition is printed out from email.
135271 | Farley thanks Muste for his past support of the Committee of 100, and asks for continued support of BR's peace work. |
135272 | Farley writes to request Muste's financial support of BR's peace work. |
135273 | Farley has spoken to Bayard [Rustin] in hopes of meeting, but has yet to hear back from either him or Muste regarding support of BR's peace work. |
135274 | Muste apologises for the delay in replying to Farley. He cannot think of anyone in his circle who would be able to offer financial support to BR's peace work, but suggests he's willing to meet with BR's New York contacts. |
135275 | Farley thanks Muste for his offer to meet with BR's New York contacts. |
135276 | Newman encloses a royalty cheque for $130.77 for sales of What Is Science?, to which BR contributed an essay. |
135277 | BR thanks Newman for the recent royalty cheque. |
135278 | Schoenman asks Newman for assistance in finding individuals who would be interested in contributing to BR's peace work. |
135279 | On receiving Schoenman's letter (135278), Newman pledges to attempt to raise $10,000 in support of BR's peace work, provided the venture is agreeable to BR. |
135280 | BR expresses his gratitude to Newman for his fundraising efforts in support of BR's peace work. |
135281 | Newman sends a cheque for $250, on behalf of donors Dr. Ruth Benedict, and Dr. Leon Salzman, both of Washington, D.C. |
135282 | BR thanks Newman for his recently received cheque. |
135283 | BR thanks Salzman for his recent financial gift. |
135284 | Newman encloses several cheques from recent American donors: Madge Rosenbaum, Walter Salent, Miriam B. Klein, Fowler Harper. Newman has recently been in touch with Victor Rabinowitz of the Rabinowitz Foundation, who is interested in making a grant of $2,000-$2,500. |
135285 | BR thanks Newman for his efforts, and forwards a copy of the letter he wrote to Rabinowitz. Two copies. |
135286 | BR gives a brief summary of his current peace work, and requests the support of the Rabinowitz Foundation. BR talked with his partner Leonard Boudin recently. |
135287 | BR thanks Rosenbaum for her support of his peace work. Two copies. |
135288 | BR thanks Salant for his support. Two copies. |
135289 | Newman offers his thoughts on a recent review of a book by Fred J. Cook. He mentions the "missile gap" story. He also informs BR that there are more donations to come shortly. |
135290 | Newman sends three cheques totaling $450 from Bruno Rossi, Benjamin V. Cohen, Anita Robbins Gordon. |
135291 | BR thanks Newman for his ongoing efforts in support of BR's peace work, "how great a help it is", and "the grand offer of the Rabinowitz Foundation". |
135292 | Newman sends BR three cheques totaling $75: David Hawkins, Irving W. Winik, J.D. Hyman. |
135293 | BR thanks Newman for meeting with Ralph Schoenman the previous month. |
135294 | Schoenman thanks Newman for meeting with him, and agrees that a tour of the U.S. is a good idea. Schoenman asks if Newman can assist with arranging an itinerary. |
135295 | Schoenman informs Newman that Christopher Farley will be touring the U.S., and asks if Newman will assist in planning the trip itinerary. |
135296 | Newman sends four cheques totaling $55 from Warren Jay Vinton, Thomas C. Fichandler, Geraldine Meyrich, Vikras Sarabhai. |
135297 | Newman will contact Dagmar Wilson to discuss arranging meetings between Christopher Farley and "some sympathetic individuals". |
135298 | BR thanks Harper for his financial support. |
135299 | BR thanks Newman for his recent letter and donations. BR will be delighted to see Erich Fromm. |
135300 | Newman sends three cheques totaling $325 from Erich Fromm, Herbert Rosenfield, Harry Schneiderman. He recently had lunch with Erich Fromm, and suggests Fromm and BR might meet when Fromm is next in Europe. |
135301 | BR thanks Newman for his continued support, and asks if Newman could suggest some sympathetic individuals who would like to meet with Christopher Farley on his upcoming tour of the U.S. |
135302 | BR is organizing a tour of named representatives of the National Liberation Front of South Vietnam, and asks if Newman will once again support BR is fundraising for these efforts. |
135304 | The present letter was originally entered together with record 19421, which begins below some missing lines: "I am really not unhappy, quite the reverse." The seond letter (or sheet) was mailed later. |