Total Published Records: 135,296
Record no. | Notes, topics or text |
135008 | On the royalty sharing of various books by BR. |
135009 | On the royalty sharing of various other books by BR in 13 points. |
135010 | Enclosed is also a price list. Photos are of locations at Plas Penrhyn and Hasker St.; also an unknown one. |
135011 | A group of 4 letters from BR (all to Casimir Lewy, one including a testimonial) and one a letter to him from Patricia Russell was to be auctioned on 21 June 2024, according to and, along with many letters from G.E. Moore. Dr. Lewy (1919–1991) taught at Cambridge, Liverpool, and Cambridge again, where he was elected a fellow. Two different images of the group of letters are included with this record. |
135012 | Dated only "Thursday", the letter concerns a time for a visit from the Lewys to the Russells. The date is at least 1945, since the Lewys married that year. A group of 4 letters from BR (all to Casimir Lewy, one including a testimonial) and one a letter to him from Patricia Russell was to be auctioned on 21 June 2024, according to and, along with many letters from G.E. Moore. Dr. Lewy (1919–1991) taught at Cambridge, Liverpool, and Cambridge again, where he was elected a fellow. Two different images of the group of letters are included with this record. |
135013 | BR includes a testimonial for Casimir Lewy. See record 135014. A group of 4 letters from BR (all to Casimir Lewy, one including a testimonial) and one a letter to him from Patricia Russell was to be auctioned on 21 June 2024, according to and, along with many letters from G.E. Moore. Dr. Lewy (1919–1991) taught at Cambridge, Liverpool, and Cambridge again, where he was elected a fellow. Two different images of the group of letters are included with this record. |
135014 | A testimonial for Casimir Lewy. See record 135013 for the covering letter. A group of 4 letters from BR (all to Casimir Lewy, one including a testimonial) and one a letter to him from Patricia Russell was to be auctioned on 21 June 2024, according to and, along with many letters from G.E. Moore. Dr. Lewy (1919–1991) taught at Cambridge, Liverpool, and Cambridge again, where he was elected a fellow. Two different images of the group of letters are included with this record. |
135015 | BR declines to write a new testimonial for Lewy, saying the old one should do. A group of 4 letters from BR (all to Casimir Lewy, one including a testimonial) and one a letter to him from Patricia Russell was to be auctioned on 21 June 2024, according to and, along with many letters from G.E. Moore. Dr. Lewy (1919–1991) taught at Cambridge, Liverpool, and Cambridge again, where he was elected a fellow. Two different images of the group of letters are included with this record. |
135016 | Patricia writes on a number of points and says BR has gone travelling again. She is glad they liked the Amberley Papers. A group of 4 letters from BR (all to Casimir Lewy, one including a testimonial) and one a letter to him from Patricia Russell was to be auctioned on 21 June 2024, according to and, along with many letters from G.E. Moore. Dr. Lewy (1919–1991) taught at Cambridge, Liverpool, and Cambridge again, where he was elected a fellow. Two different images of the group of letters are included with this record. |
135017 | The letter is addressed incorrectly to Karel Safranel. The original was for sale for US$637.66 on on June 18, 2024. Included was a "card with the picture of me", signed in blue ballpoint ink "Bertrand Russell". |
135018 | Nussbaum seeks news of his father, who is in a Russian concentration camp. In his first letter (record 71763), Nussbaum was not sure of his father's whereabouts. |
135019 | BR seeks new financial support from comedian Allen. |
135020 | Adams asks Schoenman to select a piece of BR's writing to include in his January 1963 holiday greeting. |
135021 | Schoenman sends a copy of BR's 90th birthday programme for Taylor to quote from, and asks if Taylor knows of anyone willing to financially support BR's work for peace. |
135022 | Ellis asks Alfred for financial support of the BRPF. |
135023 | Ellis follows up on his previous letter to Alfred (record 135022). |
135024 | BR thanks Dr. Bloch for his generous support. |
135025 | BR thanks Allen for his support. |
135026 | BR thanks Allen for his support. |
135027 | Schoenman asks Allen for financial support. |
135028 | Allen sends a $200 check, and a copy of God and the H-Bomb, to Schoenman for the BRPF. |
135029 | Schoenman thanks Allen for his donation to the BRPF, and assures him BR will write to him soon. |
135030 | Irell and Manella LLP ask BRPF for a tax receipt for Steve Allen's donation (see 135028). |
135031 | Wood informs Irell and Manella LLP that the BRPF does not have charitable status in the U.S. |
135032 | BR thanks Allison for his financial support of the BRPF and encloses some BRPF literature. A duplicate carbon is in the file. |
135033 | BR informs Antonioni of the BRPF's formation, and asks for referrals for additional financial support. |
135034 | BR thanks Appleby for her financial support. |
135035 | BR thanks Appleby for her financial support. |
135036 | Arden wishes BR success with the BRPF. |
135037 | BR asks Grade to meet with his secretaries re: an upcoming project on nuclear warfare. |
135038 | Grade invites BR's secretaries to call Robert Heller, in charge of documentaries at Associated TeleVision. |
135039 | Van Ausdall offers to write a piece in the Chicago Tribune soliciting support for the BRPF. |
135040 | Ellis thanks van Ausdall for his offer to promote the BRPF in the Chicago Tribune (see 135039) |
135041 | Schoenman solicits financial support from Bader. |
135042 | Bader informs Schoenman he can't provide financial support, but will present his (Schoenman's) letter to the next meeting of the Scott Bader Commonwealth Community Council. |
135043 | "Preamble to the Constitution"; "Today's Challenge" |
135044 | Schoenman thanks Bader for his letter and enclosed literature. |
135045 | Bader sends the BRPF a cheque for £5. |
135046 | Farley thanks Bader on Schoenman's behalf. |
135047 | Schoenman thanks Bader for his donation to the BRPF. |
135048 | Farley informs Bader that the BRPF has been recognized as having charitable status, and asks for additional financial support. |
135049 | Bader informs Farley that the Scott Bader Commonwealth cannot again contribute financially to the BRPF. |
135050 | Bader personally apologizes for the Scott Bader Commonwealth's inability to financially support the BRPF, and asks to be kept updated on the BRPF's work for potential future contributions. |
135051 | Ellis thanks Bader for his most recent letter (see 135050). |
135052 | Receipt from the BRPF for the amount of £250. |
135053 | Farley addresses Bader's concerns about Ayub Khan's support of the BRPF. |
135054 | Bader expresses his feelings re: Ayub Khan, and sends Farley a book of Vimala Thakar's poetry. |
135055 | Bader encourages Farley to look at Jayaprakash Narayan as an example of a Gandhian pacifist. |
135056 | Farley thanks Bader for his thoughts and disagrees that Ayub Khan's sponsorship is a "joke". The file has a second carbon copy. |
135057 | Scott Bader Commonwealth Ltd. requests a tax receipt for their £250 donation to the BRPF (see 135052). |
135058 | Wood sends the requested donation receipt to the Scott Bader Commonwealth Ltd. |
135059 | Bader expresses his feelings about Ayub Khan and apparent military preparations on the Pakistani border with India. |
135060 | BR refers to his recent meeting with Baez. |
135061 | Schoenman thanks Baez for planning to do a performance in support of the BRPF. He sends her a signed photo of BR and the 90th birthday programme. |
135062 | Flynn informs Schoenman that Baez will not perform this year, but would like to support the BRPF. |
135063 | Wood thanks Flynn for her letter. |
135064 | Baez wishes BR happy birthday. |
135065 | They send their best wishes for the BRPF and are willing to meet BR's associates in Zurich. |
135066 | BR invites Danieli and Mazzolini to Wales. |
135067 | At Newman's suggestion, Bloch sends financial support in the form of cheques from several unnamed persons to the BRPF and pledges future financial contributions. |
135068 | Mazzolini asks Schoenman to call him at Hotel Piccadilly. |
135069 | Ellis will call Mazzolini in London. |
135070 | Schoenman accepts Mazzolini's invitation to partake in the General Prize Committee on BR's behalf. |
135071 | Mazzolini invites BR to be on the General Prize Committee |
135072 | |
135073 | Ellis asks Sir Ronald if the International Balzan Foundation will consider BR for a future award. A photocopy of the carbon is in the file. |
135074 | Schoenman thanks Dr. Bloch for his encouragement and financial support of the BRPF. |
135075 | Ellis nominates BR for a Balzan Foundation Peace Prize on behalf of the BRPF. A second carbon is in the file. |
135076 | Schoenman asks Bardot for financial support of the BRPF. |
135077 | A Hamilton lawyer and conservationist, Beckett thanks BR for his letter and sends information on the Canadian Peace Research Institute. Handwritten note from Schoenman: "Pam, send money letter. Thanks, Ralph" |
135078 | Schoenman asks Beckett for financial support for the BRPF. |
135079 | BR thanks Behrens for her financial support of his work. |
135080 | BR thanks Benedict for her support "of my peace work." |
135081 | BR asks for Count Bernadotte's views on the BRPF. |
135082 | BR asks for Count Bernadotte's views on the BRPF and for financial support. |
135083 | BR asks for Countess Bernadotte's views on the BRPF and for financial support. |
135084 | BR asks for Count Bernadotte's views on the BRPF and for financial support. |
135085 | BR asks for Count Bernadotte's views on the BRPF and for financial support. |
135086 | BR asks for Count Bernadotte's views on the BRPF and for financial support. |
135087 | BR asks for Count Bernadotte's views on the BRPF and for financial support. |
135088 | Count Bernadotte thanks BR for his letter and enclosed literature, and offers his support and sympathy for the work of the BRPF. |
135089 | BR thanks Count Bernadotte for his support, and proposes they meet in England or Wales in the near future. |
135090 | BR asks Bernstein to meet with his secretaries to discuss an upcoming project on nuclear warfare. |
135091 | BR asks Boothby for financial support of the BRPF. There is no sender's name, but there are indications that the letter is from BR. |
135092 | Marked "Personal". Boothby informs BR that he is unable to contribute financially to the BRPF, and sends his best wishes for 1965. |
135093 | Schoenman asks Braine for financial support of the BRPF. |
135094 | Braine sends a cheque for 20 guineas to the BRPF, and asks Schoenman to make note of his new address. "Keep on fighting until the end." |
135095 | Schoenman thanks Braine for his contribution, and makes note of his new address. |
135096 | BR thanks Buchbinder for his kindness to Ellis and Kinsey while in Zurich. He asks Buchbinder for assistance either financial or by spreading awareness of BR's work, and advises that the BRPF is currently registered for charity purposes as the "Atlantic Peace Foundation". |
135097 | In German. |
135098 | Ellis thanks Mme. Bueno for meeting him in Paris, and provides his current address for further correspondence. |
135099 | BR thanks Burton for his generosity and encouragement, and invites him to Penrhyndeudraeth to discuss the work of the BRPF. |
135100 | Pottle thanks Burton for meeting with him and Charles Ellis, and provides the address for the Atlantic Peace Foundation. |
135101 | In German with an English translation. The image of the signed original is from Kotte Autographs at For more information, see record 66459. |
135102 | Schoenman asks Burton for his thoughts on a film, the inclusion of Peter O'Toole, and assures Burton they trust his judgement. There is a brief discussion of the Arab-Israeli dispute and the Sino-Indian border quarrel. Schoenman follows up on Burton's discussion with Charles Ellis about Burton donating his sterling earnings to the BRPF. |
135103 | Schoenman asks Standard to visit Richard Burton and remind him about his interest in the film potentially starring Peter O'Toole. |
135104 | Boudin advises Schoenman to contact Richard Burton directly, and reminds him about his upcoming trip to Senegal. |
135105 | Standard is unable to visit Richard Burton, who is currently filming The Sandpiper in California. He advises Schoenman to ask friends in the San Francisco area to talk to Burton instead. |
135106 | Schoenman hopes to meet with Burton when they are both in Dublin, and passes on Russell's invitation to Penrhyndeudraeth. |
135107 | Schoenman writes to Burton with frustration about not having had a reply, despite multiple letters and attempts to meet him in various cities. He asks for five minutes of Burton's time to sort out the matter as soon as possible. Attached are a TL(CAR)S transcription and draft letter. Document 400607 comprises several newsclippings re Burton's possible financial support of the BRPF. |