BRACERS Record Detail for 121445
To access the original letter, email the Russell Archives.
Gilbert Murray papers, folio no. 76, notes on a file card transcribed by Joan Johnson, pp. 6–7.
Written by Gladys Rinder, these notes are possibly drawn from a letter Rinder received from BR while he was in prison, or from a conversation she had with him during a visit. She outlines what BR wants from the proposed Fellowship. He wants to live in London and he wants time for research work in addition to teaching. BR wants Murray to draft the letter or appeal about the Fellowship. More instructions on what Rinder and others should do are included in these notes. The portion of the document that seems to summarize BR directly is in the Transcription field.
Letter 97
BRACERS 121445. AD(AC). Bodleian
Previous Brixton letter, BRACERS 47456; next letter, BRACERS 48712
Edited by K. Blackwell, A. Bone, N. Griffin and S. Turcon
From B.R. I. Hopes Fellowshipa would not entail living out of London. II. More important. Hopes it will allow him time for research work. Can’t agreeb with view worth while teach, research not worth while. Can’t think Plato and Aristotle only valuable as lecturers. Subject to this provision, veryc glad to teach.
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[document] The letter was edited from two transcriptions (by Joan Johnson and William Stratton) in RA3 Rec. Acq. 986b of the original note card by Gladys Rinder in the Murray papers in the Bodleian Library, Oxford. The present document has two more paragraphs about plans; they are assumed not to be directly reflective of BR’s stated wishes and are not, therefore, reproduced above as likely to be close to his text. They are as follows: “If Prof. Murray will draft letter or appeal about Fellowship including funds, WGR will have copies made and Dr. Carr will certainly send them to Ward, Bosanquet etc. if Prof Murray sends them with covering letter telling Dr. C. it is most important that no time should be lost and stating he hopes Dr. Carr will be able to do this? Should it be so drafted as to include appeal to friends or only be signed by philosophers? Carr’s testimonial separately? BR has sent notes on a very big piece of work <see Letter 69, note 3> to Dr. C.; this could be mentioned and it should be quite clear that the whole idea is to enable him to devote his time to philosophy for next three years. No need for Secretary, unofficially done by Dr. C.; 10 signatures. Treasurer Dr. <T. Percy> Nunn or Withers?”
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[date] The date is based on Rinder’s letter of 5–6 September 1918 (BRACERS 79632): “I received your notes about the mss last night and shall give them to Dr Carr tomorrow. Quite understand what you want me to explain to him. But the question of London or elsewhere rests, I think, with G. Murray rather than with Dr Carr.” By “last night” she must have meant the 4th. BR’s wishes could not have been stated any later. The date of Ottoline and Gladys Rinder’s meeting with Carr was the 6th, which is known from Rinder’s letter to BR of 6–7 September 1918 (BRACERS 79633) and BR’s letter to Colette of 7 September (Letter 99).