BRACERS Record Detail for 79633
To access the original letter, email the Ready Division.
This letter is not an official letter. The envelope placed with it, addressed to BR at the prison, does not belong to it. The letter continues on the Monday, and then on the Wednesday, which would be the 11 September. On Wednesday Rinder writes that there will be 5 sheets from Ottoline Morrell and one from D. [Dorothy Wrinch, perhaps her letter of 3 Sept. 1918, document .057987, record 81969] sent with this letter. The envelope is postmarked 7 September and would have contained an official letter, initialled by the prison governor.
BRACERS 79633. ALS. McMaster
Proofread by S. Turcon and K. Blackwell
Friday 6. Sept. 10 p.m.
Dear Bertie,
Thank you for your letter. I am writing while the Amberley visit is still fresh in my mind. Dr. Carr says he will do whatever G.M. wishes, only he won’t be responsible for collection of money for Fellowship, though he will help with it. Both Lady O. and I felt that if G.M. will draft a letter or circular about the proposed Fellowship it will get under weight at once. Carr is perfectly willing to approach Dr. Bosanquet and Dr. Ward, but the real truth is that he instinctively feels he is too muddle headed on the subject to draft the document. I am sure GM would do that (though he wishes to be the person to whom it is presented not the person who runs it, he thinks by that method he will have more pressure to put on the authorities). I have now written asking G.M. to see me on Tuesday, he comes up on that day and if possible I’ll add a line after that to let you know what is decided. “Dear Old Woolley” as Lady O calls lives up to his name very completely, driving nails into bad plaster is easy compared with driving facts into his head. But I really do think things will be done now. Am sorry he hasn’t taken steps already but you know what he is. He is prepared to start on a sort of testimonial to your extreme value without a moment’s delay. We left him consulting Dr. Nunn about it! 1.30 am. Am too sleepy so it’s a case of “to be continued [”] in our next. Monday. I have made very careful notes as to what GM is to be asked to do tomorrow, Lady O. (who has seen them) thinks if he agrees there should be no further delay. This suspense is horrible for you, and I can’t say how sorry I am everything is not already settled, but we are helpless. I am going to tell G.M. what you say about the appointment. I’m sworn not to tell you where it would be, but it is not St. Andrews or anything so unthinkable and I don’t see that you need live there. Will stress your point about research work. Lady O. has several definite offers of contributions, I don’t think money will be a difficulty, unless Carr suspects you have given £½ 1,000,000 to NCF. In that case all hope will have gone! His simplicity and real goodness have a great charm, but he is slow! His cottage is delightful, miles upon miles of rolling downs all round. We longed to be on the top, but the bare idea would have tired him. I really had a very good day, Lady O. charms me more every time I see her, and it was just enchanting to have her to myself for so long. Poor Woolley thought he was out with 2 lunatics when we fell on the grass to pick the delicious little flowers, he said they were gentian but I call them wild Canterbury bells, they were a heavenly blue. Just for ½ hour before tea we forgot everything but the sunshine, the freedom and the glorious views.
I am very busy over that deputation; oh the heart burning over the new concessions, really the N.C.F. and FSC people seem to live with their collective head in a bag which entirely obscures or distorts the objects before them. It’s not EH, so much as the others who need spanking! W. Ayles is at Wakefield. Governor there has only made temporary rules as yet. C.O.’s there (all 2 year men) can talk, have books, have no locks on cells, may go where they will inside prison between 7 am and 9.30 and can write a letter a week. But he (WA) thinks he will be back in ordinary prison in a week with several others. — Anyway it’s all very difficult and EEH thinks the Absolutists will so greatly disapprove of our methods that we shall all lose our jobs. Just this moment I feel it would be such a relief, but that mood won’t last.
So very pleased to hear from Percy that you think of going to Windmill, our new cottage on the 14th. That would be very good as I can see that everything is left ready for you as it is a week end. Only why only inside of week, please keep it week end if you wish, we are not in the least likely to need it then. We are laying in stocks of big logs to burn in the glorious open Sussex grate, with coal, and it should be quite comfortable for a cottage, I do hope you will like it. Have just spent Sat. and Sunday at Winchelsea, it rained, but the intervals were just heavenly: deep blue sky over which white and wonderfully shaped clouds raced, pursued by the wind which raced like a the [sic] very spirit of freedom over the downs. It was glorious to feel it blowing quite through one’s hair and clothes, and the silvery sea, flecked with “white horses” was another joy. It gave me a wonderful feeling of rapture, it was almost too perfect. It is so good to think you can go where you will after October 1st, the restrictions in prison must be so maddening. About the 25th I will ask R.G. Hawtrey at once, and you remember you asked Lady O. — Do you wish me to go if your brother doesn’t? If so, everything is now arranged, otherwise I will ask J.R.M. or EAM[?] if there is a vacancy. I hope to have 10 days holiday, beginning about 20th, but have to be in London on 25th so don’t hesitate to suggest whichever you would prefer. — If possible mean to carry C.A. down to Winchelsea, we shall be in new cottage by 17th and A. can also take a holiday. It [is] lovely there when the trees turn. What do you wish to do about your weekly letter if I am away then? I’ll gladly write it, but can’t type there and will deal with all the points in your letter if you like to send it. There would be no trouble about dealing with your manifesto! as I leave on a Thursday and have to be in London the foll[owing] Weds. but I shall be down there for one if not 2 Fridays.
So many people ask about you with real affection, which I always feel is very rare and splendid. It must be rather a responsibility to be able to inspire so much, one would hate to disappoint the people, but it makes the world worth living in and warm and human. I don’t always remember to tell you, but I am continually meeting them. Dr. Nunn is evidently an admirer, very pleased in his queer dry way to hear about you. — I fear Eva is really ill; she has been in bed resting for 3 weeks and Roper doesn’t think she is much better.
Weds. morn. 5 sheets from Lady O. and one from D. sent with this. — Just left GM again. He is sending me the draft tonight and copies should go to Dr. C. to-morrow for Bosanquet and Ward etc. Withers is to act as treasurer for the Endowment Fund for Fellowship. Ld. R. tells me he had approached him about this and he’s quite willing. We already feel certain of £80 a year for 3 years and so far no great effort has been made. I do hope it will all be settled before you come out. Mrs. H. was there when GM began to talk to me, and offered to help. She loves to feel she’s a leading figure in every agitation. It will be gorgeous to think of you are [sic] secure from M.S.A. [Military Service Act] — C.A. was so charming last night, hungry for news of you, but not much looking forward to visit with Lord R. However I am going to deliver him over at Westminster Bridge and I trust he’ll reach you safely. — I expect you are going away directly you get out so I am not going to say how very nice it would be to see you, outside Brixton, anyway you are coming to see our flat and us when you are really in London aren’t you? — This French novel was cheap 2nd hand, I don’t know what it’s like, and hope you won’t receive a rude shock. — I so much liked what you said about “starved” people, one must learn to feel of value apart from other people. I think lots of us go through 3 phrases: I. In which we think causes alone enough to fill life. II. In which we learn with pain to be human, and long tremendously for human beings and affection. III. In which while immeasurably valuing human relations we learn that we must be able to get above them if necessary; otherwise we shall never be any good. Have conveyed messages in this week’s letter. — Am giving your letter to [Dr? illegible initials] for N[ational] Committee on Friday, sorry to think resolution to resign wise but so it is. E. Ellis has been ill and actually asked advice [sister? illegible] and C.A. as to whether fine should be paid. It’s really tragic after what she has always said about trying to get the men out, isn’t it. As she’s in hospital she’s decided to finish her sentence. She can’t do the work. Dr Ethel Williams wants to know where she can get your “book on Marxism”, thinks it’s called “German Social Democracy”. EEH longs to read it (I suspect in order to refute your arguments!). You will be amused to hear that I left CA so late that I had to walk home! He said “I know you talk a great deal go on, [illegible]! So I went! He did make one or two remarks himself! Am taking Eliot to tea with C.
Yours ever
G.M. (Gilbert Murray); EEH (Ernest E. Hunter); Percy (Constance Malleson); C.A. (Clifford Allen); M.S.A. (Military Service Act); C. (Constance Malleson). Eva is Eva Kyle; Woolley is H. Wildon Carr.