BRACERS Record Detail for 79632

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Rinder, Gladys
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This is an official letter; the initials "CH" (Carleton Haynes), Brixton  Prison governor, appear on the top of the letter. The reference to mss. is probably in relation to the mss. of Dewey and for Stout that Rinder mentioned in her previous letter.

Rinder is sorry that she will not see BR next week. She will send messages by his visitors.

The letter continues on "Friday" (that would be 6 September). Rinder and Ottoline have been to see Dr. Carr. Wildon Carr requested that she go to see Gilbert Murray which she will do. C., i.e. Constance Malleson, has just left. She is excited over the new flat, 34 Russell Chambers.

"Eliot has just written rather more hopefully, he is coming here (7. M.S. [Mecklenburgh Square]) next Thursday." Eliot is not quoted. Cousens has been asked to write a paper for the International Journal of Ethics.

She is sorry she doesn't know in which bank Unwin should put the £50.

Elizabeth Russell has carried off BR's weekly letter so she cannot look it up. (BR's weekly official letters for the latter part of his prison stay are not extant.)


BRACERS 79632. TLS. McMaster
Proofread by S. Turcon and K. Blackwell

5 Sept. 1918

Dear Mr Russell,

I received your notes about the mss last night and shall give them to Dr Carr tomorrow. Quite understand what you want me to explain to him. But the question of London or elsewhere rests, I think, with G. Murray rather than with Dr Carr. Am sorry I shall not see you next week, will send messages by your visitors. I feel I shall have to hand C.A. over formally to your brother, otherwise I shant believe he has really gone!! I have asked Miss Silcox to have lunch with me before repairing (your brothers delicious phrase) to Westminster bridge where the party assembles. There is not very much fresh news since I last wrote and I am most fearfully rushed over Ld Parmoor’s Deputation, so please forgive if this 1 letter is both short and dull. Everyone who is going wants different facts in order to support their individual point of view, and I feel rather like Mazeppa on that horse, so if you hear of my disappearance early next week, you will know what a sad fate has overtaken me. Seriously, its most difficult to get them all to agree upon the line to be adopted while they are all in the country and as Ld Parmoor has most strictly limited the preliminary meeting to half an hour we shall never have enough time then. The internment rumours are incessant but so far as I can gather from facts which have come to my knowledge it will be another modification of the prison regulations, much like last autumn, which wont really solve the problem. Will post this on Friday evening on return from Amberley as you wished. It will be lovely in the country if only it does not pour like today. You will be amused to hear that I am expected to be “a link between wealth and learning” on that occasion. Have not seen Dorothy Makenkie <Mackenzie> for some time, Cousens says she thinks of trying teaching once again if she can get a post which is likely to be permanent, you know she is now in an insurance office in which one of her cousins is a partner? Cousens has been asked to write a paper for the International Journal of Ethics, can’t remember the title but it is to be about ethics and the psycho-analysts. He thinks he must have a serious talk with you about the population question, (only dont ever tell him I said so!!) He entirely disagrees with your views and is convinced he could convert you to his when he has expounded the truth to you for half an hour. I only wish I could be there to hear. It is interesting to watch all that set developing an original rather than a group point of view.

Eliot has just written rather more hopefully, he is coming here (7. M.S.) next Thursday. — Friday. Lady O. and I had on the whole a successful visit, Dr. Carr’s mental processes are not rapid and one has to hammer facts into his head but I think we have done good. He is most anxious to be helpful, as is Dr. Nunn who was also there. The country was lovely, we were filled with a glorious sense of freedom when we got out on to the downs, and saw the sea in the far distance. I am going to see GM on Tuesday at Dr. Carrs request so that the work may at last be put in hand. Dr. Carr has your notes for your projected work. Don’t understand your reference to typescript for D.W. Does it refer to a typed copy of these notes? Very sorry but Unwins aren’t clear into which bank they are to pay the £50 which is waiting, and Lady R. carried off your weekly letter by mistake so I can’t look up what you said on Monday. Lady O. had a very nice time in the North and feels much better. She and I were much amused when Dr. C. said he would have asked us to stay but thought he couldn’t as he was temporarily a batchelor! 1. am. C. has just left me, very sleepy but otherwise well. Most excited over charms of new flat. Sent love, but neither of us have brains or time for more to-night! Met Delisle Burns tonight. Very glad to have news of you. I gave him extracts from yr. letters. Best wishes.

Yrs. v. s,
W.G. Rinder

GM (Gilbert Murray), D.W. (Dorothy Wrinch).

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Record no.
Record created
Jun 12, 2014
Record last modified
Sep 23, 2024
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