BRACERS Record Detail for 79625

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Rinder, Gladys
Form of letter
Notes and topics

The letter contains a message from T.S. Eliot—see document .054830, record 69109—and a message about Malleson and one apparently from her. Arrangements for visitors on August 28 are described. There is a brief message from Ernest E. Hunter which appears in the transcription below. A separate record has been created for a message from Stanley Unwin, record 3164.

[This is an official letter, with envelope, initialled by the prison governor, CH. The first section is typewritten but still difficult to read. The following initials appear: D.W. (Dorothy Wrinch); C (Constance Malleson); E.E.H. (Ernest E. Hunter); V.T. (Violet Tillard); Miss D. (Helen Dudley). Clare is Clare Annesley (Constance Malleson's sister). 34 is Russell's flat, 34 Russell Chambers, Bury Street.The books referred to in this letter are Ekai Kawaguchi, Three Years in Thibet; Evariste Régis Huc and Joseph Gabet, Travels in Tatory, Thibet and China; Sir E. Backhouse and J.O.P. Bland, Empress Dowager; George Moore, The Brook Kerith: a Syrian Story; George Moore, Hail and Farewell: Ave, Salve, Vale (3 vols.). The detective tales are by Emile Gaborian, also called Gaboriau.]


BRACERS 79625. TL/ALS. McMaster
Proofread by S. Turcon and K. Blackwell

7, Mecklenburg[h] Square, W.C., 1
August 9th, 1918

Dear Mr. Russell,

Lord Russell has asked me to write your weekly letter while he is in the country. He will send me any messages he has.

Thank you for your letter. I saw Mr. S. Unwin yesterday, told him that you agreed to 7/6. The paper question is very very difficult. The quality depends on the materials printers are able to obtain each quarter and unfortunately the quality was very poor in the quarter in which R. to F. [Roads to Freedom] was set up. It is just possible that better paper could have been obtained at a prohibitive price, but Unwin’s contract with Lippincott did not leave sufficient margin to cover such an expense. Unwin hopes to provide better paper for any further editions. Printing will be completed to-morrow and the binding in about a month’s time. The date of publication rests with Lippincott, as A. and U’s agreement was that the publication was to take place between July and 1st December on a date “to be mutually agreed upon.” Unwin thinks there will be no difficulty about early publication but of course if Lippincott wished they could hold it up until November 30th. Unwin however, thinks this very highly improbable. He asked me to tell you that the Century Co. refused his tentative offer of R. to F. and that he has not yet received any reply to his second authoritative offer as your agent. If that fails he proposes to try Dodd and Mead who published Lowes Dickinson’s “Choice Before Us”. Unwin asked me how you were getting on and gave me a new detective novel for you, also some proofs of new books which you can throw away if you do not find them interesting. He is going to give me some more from time to time. I met him at a typists later in the day and he asked me when he was going to receive the “Introduction” [to Mathematical Philosophy]. I told him that Miss Wrinch would take it to him within the next week or two. I have just had a post card from Miss Kyle in which she says that she sent D.W. the last batch of typing on the 6th, which completes the 17th chapter; the last one she has left with Miss. Wills, who is to forward it this week. Unwin asked what plans you had for further work; said as they were publishing Introduction would like to follow it up with other books. Would you like me to send Unwin extracts from your letters in which you outline your plans, as he is greatly interested. So sorry about philosophical books, will see Demos to-night. D.W. has written to Cambridge and is very sorry nothing has resulted. Eliot wrote on 6/8/18 saying tell “B.R. that I will write with the most possible fullness as early as possible but that I am now called up for the Army and that my time and thoughts are engrossed by the situation. I have taken note of the Inventory of property and will attend to it as soon as I have time for these matters. Meanwhile he need fear no anxiety about the disposition of his possessions. What I have said about my preoccupations applies of course to my wife as well, who has been in very poor health and is in a state of great apprehension.” End. R.C. Trevelyan came to see me yesterday and says that he is to take up work with the F.W.V.R. and expects to go to France at the end of this month. Before he goes he would very much like to see you but does not wish to take any one’s place. He expects to be away 6 months and this his only chance. He will send you if you wish Kawaguchi’s Travels in Thibet — Huc and Gabet, Travels in Thibet — Backhouse Bland, Mongol Court Empress — all very thrilling! Waley’s New Chinese Poems, and also the Brook Kerith, by G. Moore which he likes very much. He wishes you write some Voltarian Stories as he thinks you would do it very well. (If you like G. Moore I can send you Ave — Vale — and Salve! W.G.R.) I hear that Eliot has let the whole house so Gordon cannot go there.

Miss Yates typed this for me and forgot to put beginning last sentence. It’s a message from Lady C who saw Mrs. G. yesterday, just lunched with Ev. Sharpe who is sending you 6 detective stories, when read will you return them to her at 16 John Street, Bedford Row W.C.1. Have you read the Gaborian series [of] detective tales if not she will send any she can get?

Miss Dudley expects to sail next Saturday or Sunday. Some definite arrangement must be formally made about the telephone and other business before then. Would you wish her to see if she can get a business interview with you? I shall see her early next week. Who do you wish to visit you on the 28th. I thought Lady Ottoline for one, and then B. Trevelyan. R.G. Hawtrey and Cobden Sanderson are very anxious to see you, I shall be torn in pieces between them all, competition is so keen! I propose to lead the party unless you send other directions or Ld. R. comes up! Saw C. looking very pretty for a second yesterday, country seem to suit her! E.E.H. thinks that instead of detective stories you “should be reading Karl Marx and getting rid of your economic heresies!” V.T. sent you her love before she started her novel holiday on Monday, very much liked your (extracted!) letters. — Sat. Mrs. Hamilton says if wish me to ask Mr. Trevelyan in her place on Wed. next, she will quite understand much as she wishes to see you. He may possibly go before the 28th. So very sorry about Sept; hope cottage suggestion still of use. Received returned novels, many thanks. Am sending you coal etc. requisition to fill in for 34, as we don’t quite know how to fill it, C. says you understand about the gas heater, she doesn’t and Miss D. and Clare are v[ery]. vague. Best of good wishes.

Yours v. sincerely
WG Rinder

go there. [End of typed portion, the remainder being in Rinder’s hand.]

Transcription Public Access
Record no.
Record created
Nov 19, 2010
Record last modified
Oct 26, 2023
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