BRACERS Record Detail for 3164
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This message is contained in a letter from Gladys Rinder, written on 9 August 1918, document .054830, record 79625.
I saw Mr. S. Unwin yesterday, told him that you agreed to 7/6. The paper question is very very difficult. The quality depends on the materials printers are able to obtain each quarter and unfortunately the quality was very poor in the quarter in which R. to F. [Roads to Freedom] was set up. It is just possible that better paper could have been obtained at a prohibitive price, but Unwin’s contract with Lippincott did not leave sufficient margin to cover such an expense. Unwin hopes to provide better paper for any further editions. Printing will be completed to-morrow and the binding in about a month’s time. The date of publication rests with Lippincott, as A. and U’s agreement was that the publication was to take place between July and 1st December on a date “to be mutually agreed upon.” Unwin thinks there will be no difficulty about early publication but of course if Lippincott wished they could hold it up until November 30th. Unwin however, thinks this very higly improbable. He asked me to tell you that the Century Co. refused his tentative offer of R. to F. and that he has not yet received any reply to his second authorative [sic] offer as your agent. If that fails he proposes to try Dodd and Mead who published Lowes Dickinson’s “Choice Before Us”. Unwin asked me how you were getting on and gave me a new detective novel for you, also some proofs of new books which you can throw away if you do not find them interesting. He is going to give me some more from time to time. I met him at a typists later in the day and he asked me when he was going to received the “Introduction” [to Mathematical Philosophy]. I told him that Miss Wrinch would take it to him within the next week or two.