BRACERS Record Detail for 79624
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The letter contains an extract of a letter from Clifford Allen. Allen did not mean it as a message to BR but Rinder sent it anyway. A record 3088 has been created for it — from Allen to Rinder.
BRACERS 79624. ALS. McMaster
Proofread by S. Turcon and K. Blackwell
Wednesday, 8 Aug.
Dear B.R.,
Your letters have me very greatest pleasure, and as for the conundrums I laugh every time I think of them. Salter won’t find a truthful answer easy, it will be great fun to see all our noble principled comrades wrestling with these deep problems. EEH and LS both love them, the latter is going to send you an answer. I just love that phrase “and if so” so deliciously suggestive. — I took your letter about flat to P. as she was still at 6 M.S., and in reply she asked me to forward your note to Miss D. It wouldn’t have been any trouble to write or wire, please don’t hesitate to suggest things, I’ll tell you if it’s a nuisance!! So glad novels have helped, I don’t always see them so probably some will be the wrong kind of thing, but I can’t help it. Will try to get hold of more “improper” ones, I like yr definition, but there aren’t many to be found! I called at B of E to ask G.M. what he was doing about getting your name on that list, but unfortunately he is away for a month. P. Morrell is going to see him at Oxford about both that and the fellowship. Lady O. came to see me after visiting you and we made a definite plan of campaign in regard to the fellowship. It ought to be quite easy to guarantee about £200 a year, once some people offer to subscribe. Lady O. and PM will do what they can, they propose to interview other people at once. I will do anything I can and am sure it can be done with comparative ease. I saw Lady O. 3 times last week, she is quite wonderful and also very lovable, it is good to know her. — I will send her a copy [of] your message about F.M.W., as she likes it so much, I am obeying your brother “in all things”, but am sorry it means leaving all the work to him. – Mrs. H. [Hobhouse? Hamilton?], Demos and I visit you next Wednesday. Am so looking forward to it, only one hates the whole system so and it’s just hateful to come away and leave one’s friends in prison. Mrs. H. has collected all the scandalous tales she can hear of and is really hoping Demos and I are not great talkers as she says she is! I rather thought I was too! but am prepared to act as audience. Went to an At Home at Mrs. Ham:’s last night, quite amusing, everyone on earth was there, G.D.H.C. with his fiancée. He was extremely affable, said he had five new books coming out quite soon, some written in 1915 but revised. They seem well suited. — Mrs. Stephen made enquiries after you, so did R.C. Lambert, and Mrs. Snowdon. The Horst-Lansdowne [?] meetings this week and last week were quite interesting, but somehow fell flat. Talk, talk, and yet more talk but no hint of action. Lansdowne’s new letter may do good, otherwise nothing is likely to come of them. — C.A. sent me a very strictly private letter yesterday (no! they are not married or even engaged as far as I know!) I really daren’t send it you, but the last half was “I will write B.R. again shortly. I am missing him terribly. I wish we could go off to Italy together when he comes out. I want to hear him talk [illegible] and (can’t spell) of the things he cares most about. I want to be blasphemous about the things that I feel matter most in the world. You can’t do that with the ordinary “sentimental person”. It was not a message for you but I thought you’d like it. Is the last sentence a reference to CEM. He says you should read The Poetry [illegible]. Surely you have had it?
W. Gladys Rinder
EEH (Ernest E. Hunter), LS (Lydia Smith), P (Constance Malleson), Miss D. (Helen Dudley), G.M. (Gilbert Murray), PM (Philip Morrell), G.D.H.C. (Cole), C.A. (Clifford Allen), CEM (Catherine Marshall).
obeying [At this point the page is torn and some words crossed out; but they are repeated at top of the verso of the page. K.B.]