BRACERS Record Detail for 79623

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Rinder, Gladys
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This letter used to be dated 2 August 1918 from the envelope. However, the envelope belongs with Frank’s official letter, document .080001, record 46931. The letter is now dated from its content; it was written in July, sometime after 11 July when the official ban on visiting prohibited areas was lifted for Russell.


BRACERS 79623. ALS. McMaster
Proofread by K. Blackwell

Dear BR,

As I’ve fallen into the bad habit of frequently talking of you by initials, it seems more honest, or less like “dear Ernie” to commit my crimes openly. The news about prohibited area is just tremendously good. Now we must get you out so that you can go to the sea before the summer has gone. I’ve heard nothing so good for a long time. So glad you liked the novels, was terrified that you’d find them the limit. Who said you were a bore over them, I never thought it, and am very pleased to collect some for you. Am forwarding some from Mrs Hamilton this week, and have various other people collecting for me. When I asked Evelyn Sharp if she knew of any she said in that funny attractive way, “I don’t suppose he’d care for detective stories”! She was delighted to hear they were the very thing as she says no one shares her passion for them. Mrs Hamilton asks me to say that she is most awfully sorry she can’t visit you on 31, but is sure you’ll understand when you hear that Hirst & Co. are holding another small private conference on that day to which Ld. —e is going to send another letter. Hirst has asked her to help with it and write C.S. report by Wednesday so she simply couldn’t ask for the afternoon off! Ld. Russell suggests she should go in August which brings up the question of visits. Of course I’ll organize every other visit (with greatest pleasure but you know that quite well!) but there is one thing I want to know. Your brother seems almost to take for granted that I shall be one of the 3 on those occasions, pilot the party and report to him, in short! Now please do exactly as you wish and be quite frank. I want you to see the people who’ll give you most pleasure (sounds horribly like a pious tract but can’t express it otherwise) and shall quite understand if you suggest threes which include some other competent pilot! Of course I’d love to go if there’s no one better. Sorry to bother but just give me some indication of your wishes. I consulted Percy, who couldn’t help me, so there was nothing else to be done.

Lady R. seems to think I am also to write your weekly letter in August, I am asking Ld. R. definitely about that as well. C.A. sent me excellent suggestions but told me to consult Lady O. and Lady R. first and I’ve not yet managed to see the former, hope to do so in few days and then get to work. Expect to see Mrs H tomorrow will give her all news of and see what can be done, we are not forgetting you, but things are very dead at this moment, and I’ve been hoping they would improve. — Am having such a time: as that deputation shows no sign of materialising. Seebohm Rowntree suggests that Clifford, M— Jones, Whitlow and Parmoor should breakfast with L— G. and have bigger deputation to Cave immediately afterwards. As they want both within a week my head is whirling and a pair of wings would be an ideal present as one flies from one end of London to another. S. Rowntree wants a statement to send L— G., to be short, but contain all relevant facts demand release and at same time “appeal to LG.’s emotional temperament by emphasising some of the worst features of prison life” such as forbidding fathers to pick up children! I have had to draw this up, and how I longed for you to just dictate the whole thing with a twinkle (almost a wink) at some enjoyably subtle passage. I don’t believe anything will teach some people to “look at these things concretely”, they are so fogheadedly full of cast iron principles! Personally I always had a preference for tempered steel! Clare, Dorothy and Demos came to tea on Sunday and we had a heated discussion on what constitutes good looks. We only agreed on two points: that Lytton S. was impossible to look at, and that Percy was beautiful. Demos, unaware of the relationship instanced her as indisputably lovely. Mother is in bed and will be there for some time so I’m rather tied in my spare time and haven’t seen my 1917 friends lately. Demos confided in me that he wasn’t sure he was wise in learning to wake up and make tea for “what would there be for a wife to do.” Dorothy is having a gay time. Demos (I hear you know so its no secret) is not the only string. She says her “technique” is improving! Its all most amusing and makes me feel alternately 90 and a mere babe! Strangely though she is a dear and I shall miss her horribly when she goes to Surbiton next week. You know we’ve been ask to T.H. for a week end in August together, it will be great fun. I do like your text! Best wishes, great haste

Yours v. sincerely
W. Gladys Rinder

Transcription Public Access
Record no.
Record created
Jun 12, 2014
Record last modified
Oct 26, 2023
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