BRACERS Record Detail for 46931
To access the original letter, email the Russell Archives.
The letter has the initials "HB" on it. It has also been stamped "H.M. Prison".Frank Russell has seen Miss Otter—the 3 books he is sending come from her. The letter continues on 2 Aug. 1918.
This section of the letter is a message from Rinder, document .080001a, record 119665. She conveys messages from C.P. Trevelyan, Lytton Strachey and Constance Malleson who is "delighted about Bergson". Rinder has lunched with Wildon Carr.
Frank then writes two lines in closing; they are followed by a long paragraph in Constance Malleson's handwritten on the Friday, which is 2 August. She had been lunching with Frank and Elizabeth.
She has found a tenant for the flat. Her plans for the autumn are Shropshire (i.e. Boismaison) and then a week or two at the Rinders' cottage in Winchelsea. Miles will probably not require the studio. Captain Gordon will be the treasurer of Miles's new venture (an experimental theatre); she expects to be very busy with it. She has had a "wonderful time in Wales, motoring everywhere, the joy of work and much money! Maurice has fractured his arm but he is still working, the Wales offer came from him."
She has made friends with Olaf Baker. She gives her opinion on a number of things and mentions Siegfried Sassoon, Lady Randolph Churchill and Lady Cunard.
BRACERS 46931. TLS/ALS. McMaster
Proofread by K. Blackwell
1 Aug. 1918.
My dear Bertie,
I am sending you by post today The Mauleverer Murders, The Twelfth Crime, Pigeon Blood Rubies. When you have done with them would you return them by post to T.H. I have drafted the memorial to Cave by philosophers, and sent it to Carr for him to deal with. I have transmitted your further message of yesterday to Miss Wrinch. I need not have hurried; I was in plenty of time for the House, but I was successful in getting my Return as you will have seen. I saw Miss Otter for a few minutes last night and she enquired tenderly after you, and the three books I now send you come from her.
2 Aug. 1918.
Message from Miss Rinder. I hope you received the Spectator. The last sentence in the review seems utterly out of keeping with the rest, which is interesting. Went to another Hirst Meeting yesterday, it wasn’t exciting; the only vital person was Jerome K. Jerome, who is quite an original speaker, but looks like a third rate one! C.P. Trevelyan enquired after you, said how very good he considered the extracts from your June letters. I lunched with Dr. Carr last week in Chelsea, he always rather reminds me of Austin Dobson’s Leisure, everything about him is so peaceful and well ordered! Shall have more “Birminghams” next week. Expect to spend week-end Winchelsea, and will bring some flowers for you. L.S. sends much love, has collected books for you from Miss Sharp; says “Joan and I think of you very often and wish time would go more quickly” (so do I!). Lady Constance says delighted about Bergson. Will you communicate with Clare and Miss D. I will communicate with Clare myself as well.
Rain of course as soon as we meditate a journey. Cheer up.
Yours affly
Friday. Have just been lunching with your brother and Elizabeth and was so glad to get news of you. I have found a very desirable tenant for the flat and have been given 3 ton of coal as a present! My plans for the autumn will, I hope, be as follows: Shropshire for one week as soon as possible, after that a week or two at the Rinders cottage which is only a few moments walk from the sea. They will be using it for the week ends, otherwise I shall be quite free there. The Ropers and E.G.B. may have a cottage in the neighbourhood which might be a bore. Miles will probably not require the Studio. It is a comfort to have ones plans settled. I expect to be very busy over Miles’ new venture. Captain Gordon has consented to act as treasurer. Miles and I met Grenfell (attaché in Petrograd). M. liked him very much. It is queer how nowadays one gets used to refusing the most brilliant offers. I gather E. told you of my latest: a wonderful time in Wales, motoring everywhere, the joy of work, and much money! Maurice has fractured his arm but he is still working, the Wales offer came from him. I am so very sorry to hear that S.S. has been so badly wounded, I hear Lady Randolph Churchill insists on visiting him and leaves him no peace. I am sure he would be glad of a message from you. I go to Cox Green tomorrow. I think the Lady Cunard scheme quite impractical, you would dislike her intensely. I have made friends with Olaf Baker, nephew of Southall of Birmingham a most spartan and gentle person. I will send a companion volume Bergson as you said you had nothing suitable. I rather agree with you about Lady O. and myself but am quite open to the opposite point of view. Her remarks re Lady M. Sackville are what I should have expected. M.C.M —