BRACERS Record Detail for 79619

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Rinder, Gladys
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A separate record, 116768,  has been created for Vivienne Eliot's "lengthy" message for BR.


BRACERS 79619. ALS. McMaster
Proofread by S. Turcon and K. Blackwell


Dear B.R.,

I am just awfully sorry that you are not coming out till Oct., it’s perfectly hateful. The only consolation to that it is just possible that by then the calling up business will be definitely settled. P. tells me the idea of our cottage pleased you. I am so glad, it’s quite primitive, but warmth is possible, and the country is lovely, we’d love you to have it if it isn’t too late. — Have given Miss D. message in your letter re Sat.; she really doesn’t seem able to concentrate her thoughts at all, and appears just tired out. Hope I wasn’t wrong in sending you coal papers, P. asked me to as she’s applying for 6. M.S. Unless I tell you otherwise, any suggestions re flat are made after talking to her and at her request. Have written G.M. as I couldn’t see him, hope for ans[wer]. by Wed. or Thurs; am also writing Mrs. H, but shall probably see her soon. I am putting it on ground that it is impossible for you to do your work in prison. Mrs. Eliot sent me this message for you. “1. I am ill at present and under very strict rules from a specialist who I am under (this is a very bad sentence but I can’t help it). I shall have to go away but I will not go until my husband’s affairs are settled. There is a new call up for all Americans here under 30, coming into force before Sept 30th. It may mean going to America. 2. BR need be under no anxiety about his possessions, a list of which he sent to my husband. They are all together, in a safe place. They are neither at our flat or our house. When I am well enough I will take them myself to Russell Chambers. My husband has not a second to attend to outside things. 3. We have let our house at Marlow from the middle of Sept. 4. My husband must leave his bank and we do not know what will happen to us. End Mrs. E. — They seem v. perplexed and miserable. Just received your new letter, will send your message. Will continue this, paper too bad for writing both sides.

Wednesday, continued

Shall see Miss D. to-morrow, she really seems not fit for business but I’ll try to get her fix up business interview. Have seen P this am and talked over phone etc. She wants it under name O’N and as Miss D. must give name for transfer when writing to phone people. P. says I’d better tell D. that as you’ve until Oct. she has taken it. The same applies to gas. P. told me what she’s said to you about it, this is later. Miss D. doesn’t sail till next week.

Have loved [?] your bro. not quite so peremptorily! also written. B. Trevy is longing to go on 28th — will write him at once, glad he can, as Satan’s address is unknown to me, always thought it was every “pair of idle hands”, and it is not for me to communicate with L-G!! Cottage offer needn’t be decided yet, many thanks message, not seen P. who doesn’t know definitely. [Illegible] O.f. Marshall and I spent Sunday and Monday alternately bathing and baking! On hot stones in sun, it was gorgeous, we wore but little, and are still scarlet in patches! Never saw anyone who changes his aspect so surprisingly at seaside as O.f.M; instead of a demure young man with a pale and serious face, one suddenly sees a ruddy faced Peter Pan with flying locks and a most mischievous expression! We all wished you could have dipped in our glorious turquoise sea.

E.E.H. says you are “evidently suffering from sunspots! My flat is gorgeous with flowers that angel Lady O. sent me by D. Wrinch yesterday. Have sent both conundrums of F.M.W’s paper were sent to C.A., who is not in Cumberland! Oh, these secrets! Everyone now confides in me, and I’m getting deeper into a morass every day! My classical education was most sadly neglected, partibus was a sealed mystery. The world is full of horrors, am tempted to take refuge in trivialities for a day or two to try and keep some sort of balance. — Will send some “serious books like Bergson” as soon as possible. Dorothy Wrinch is trying to “lose my Girton air”, the effect is most amusing, she’d be very pretty with scarcely any trouble. Clare is most amiable now, sometimes quite pleased to see us. Poor Eve [?] is really quite ill, has neuralgia whenever she goes out and looks pallid from sitting in, very worried over Con. whom she has never seen since latter reached these hospitable! shores. Saw P. Snowdon yesterday, he sent you kind regards. — Really my family are the limit! My bloodthirsty Canadian brother walked in yesterday announcing he had 3 months leave, and intends to stay at our cottage till Sept. 15 and after that possibly at 7, M. for a time. Never asked if we’d room even. A and I are speechless! And it spoils cottage till 15 Sept., still probably it will be better than we expect! Sorry this is such a dull letter. Will behave better next week! Lady R says “galoshes and a fig leaf for the evening is all I need to take to T.H.! Pleasantly light but it won’t fill the bill!

Love from lots of us, yrs.
W. Gladys Rinder

P. for Percy, a pseudonym for Constance Malleson; Miss D. for Miss Helen Dudley; G.M. for Gilbert Murray; O’N for Colette O’Niel, which is Constance Malleson’s stage name; E.E.H. for Ernest E. Hunter; C.A. for Clifford Allen: Lady R. for Lady Russell. The identity of the others is not known. Part of this letter concerns Russell’s Bury Street flat although is not mentioned as such.

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Record created
Jul 06, 2010
Record last modified
Oct 26, 2023
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