BRACERS Record Detail for 79618
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The letter has no salutation. It appears in part to be a reply to a message to Rinder in BR's letter to Frank Russell, 8 July 1918, document .079987, record 46924. Clifford Allen is anxious to help BR out. Rinder is on her way to see Frank with regard to E.E. Hunter. Mrs. Huth Jackson has sent BR some crimson carnations. Nevinson sends his "kindest regards". "Miss Royden has left WIL [Women's International League for Peace and Freedom] because they are 'always opposing' much to the disgust of Mrs. Swanwick." BR was mistaken in thinking Joad was "the happy man". Rinder, Dorothy Wrinch and others went to the theatre and then ended up at flat of Miles and Constance Malleson. Capt. Gordon was there. C. "was very gay. — She is a darling."
BRACERS 79618. ALS. McMaster
Proofread by S. Turcon and K. Blackwell
Thank you so very much for your letter, I loved it. So glad you’ve had some of the news you wanted. Just had a long letter from CA about what to do for you, haven’t had time to decipher all his hierogliphics [sic], but it seems useful. He is very anxious to do what he can for you. I am now going to see your brother about agitation via EEH etc; it will be simply glorious if it succeeds. The word “August” in your letter was very astonishing. — Now for some news. Mrs. H. Jackson sent you some crimson carnations last week. She is a wee person, so full of enthusiasms. She and the children — who I found very entertaining, — talked a great deal of you. The youngest girls reading of her [illegible] character is amusing. “He’s only one fault, avarice, he would do anything even take a big house for money.” In 64 R.G., that was really good. Nevinson again sends you kindest regards, we tea’d together after an abortive baby peace prayer meeting in H[yde] Park Sunday. I.O.F. has been asked to stand for Leeds at next election but doesn’t think she will. Miss Royden has left WIL because they “are always opposing” much to disgust of Mrs. Swanwick. — How could you think Joad was “the happy man”, (a most unsuitable phrase, as he is far from happy!) I do wonder you never guessed, you know him well, he is one of yr. warmest admirers, and they have worked together. At present she is only very sorry for the “poor fellow” but as they spend many hours daily together, a sudden change on her part won’t surprise me. I’ve seen lots of her and like her more each time. On Sunday morning I discovered her exploring the nature of emotions with Demos, they are very amusing together I find. They were almost in tears because you weren’t available. Last night A, I, Dorothy (Wrinch) went to Bach’s Phoebus and Appollo [sic] at Drury Lane. It was wonderful, we were transported to another world, the colour scheme was just delightful and I always love those Bach danses [sic]. Aftewards we all went to tea at Attic, Miles sang to us, to Dorothy’s accompaniment, and C. was very gay. — She is a darling. Capt. Gordon was there, he’s not v. exciting. — I am not sending you a nice letter this time as I’m in such a hurry. The servant is away ill and mother’s in bed, and my Canadian brother is home and we are busy putting books, etc. in their places! We’ve had crisis after crisis at Office this week, nothing to permanently worry over but bad when one is in middle of it. C.G.A. is leaving, and I am to do “parliamentary work under my direction” EEH’s phrase! — Delighted you’re not meek, and quite understand your point of view and agree with it. — Isn’t the fact that you do try to put love and movement into world one of the reasons why affection comes yr. way, it’s only a bit of the reason, the real thing is just because you are yourself! All the same if you weren’t surprised at it I don’t think it would so often happen, that’s another bit. Love from lots of us.
Yrs v.s.
W. Gladys R.