BRACERS Record Detail for 46923
To access the original letter, email the Russell Archives.
This letter has the initials "CH" at the top in ink. The envelope has "IX" written on it.
Elizabeth's part of the letter is handwritten. It contains the information that: "Colette [Constance Malleson] is coming down with us to T.H. [Telegraph House] next Friday—it will be great fun having her."
Frank's part of the letter contains a note about Allen and Unwin: "I have told Allen and Unwin to send you page proofs, and communicated the whole of your message to them." (This concerns Roads to Freedom; see record 46924 re indexing it.) Frank says "Miss Rinder's messages have not arrived yet."The typed page on the verso of the sheet with Frank's portion and Elizabeth's must be Miss Rinder's -- it was she whose job it was to collect messages, and the writer (referred to only as "I" and "me") is acquainted with the many persons whose messages follow. There are information about H.C. (Hilderic Cousens), Dr. S. (Alfred Salter), Carl Heath, Pethick Lawrence, Miles Malleson, Nevinson, Lambert, Miss J. Fry, Mr. Ponsonby, Mrs. Huth-Jackson, S.M. (Dorothy Mackenzie; (see record 46925), Helen Dudley, George Kaufmann (abbreviated "G. K—n"), and G.D.H.Cole. There are messages from: Percy (Constance Malleson), T.S. Eliot and G.K. A separate document .079984a, record 116663 has been created for the message from Malleson. A separate document has also been ceated for Eliot, document .079984b, record 116765. Because it is very likely that the contents of this page were contributed by Gladys Rinder, her name has been added to the Sender field.
There is a transcription and carbon of Elizabeth's section of the letter, documents .079985 and .079985a. Both are described in record 116662.
There is a carbon of the entire letter (excluding Elizabeth's part), document .079986, record 116661.
BRACERS 46923. TLS/ALS. McMaster
Proofread by K. Blackwell
5 July 1918.
My dear Bertie,
We had a very jolly week-end at Telegraph House last Sunday with beautiful weather. I am still looking forward to seeing you there in August or September. This week-end as you know we were going to the Symposium, but at short notice we have been commanded to the Pirries, and as you know how important my business relations with Lord Pirrie are, the Aristotelian has had to give way. Little Wrinch lunched here yesterday; empty of cash but full of brains. For July 17 I have now Dakyns and Margaret Davies fixed up. Lowes Dickinson comes next Wednesday. I note you ask for Miss Burdett on July 31. E. thinks it is a sign of softening of the brain, but if you really mean it I will arrange it. We have not found the Lippincott Agreement yet. I have told Allen and Unwin to send you the page proofs, and communicated the whole of your message to them. I have written Stout. I see that all I really had to say has gone into a very small compass, and Miss Rinder’s messages have not arrived yet. I have been rather driven this week and shall be next, and so I have heard very little political gossip. The reason for Cave’s return from the Hague was purely administrative to attend to new legislation; all the other rumours were unfounded. E. has quite fallen in love with Lady O. and even my rugged front begins to bow. She is certainly very kind and very charming. I am engaged in such very scant moments of leisure as I can snatch in trying to prepare Lionel Johnson’s letters for publication, but it is the sort of thing which wants more than half an hour at a time.
Yours affectionately,
Dearest Bertie
We’ll turn up Wednesday as usual, added to and improved this time by the presence of Mr. Lowes Dickinson, so I shall at last have the opportunity I’ve so long wanted of an undisturbed conversation with him. Any body I really want to get to know I’ll bring on my days. I now minutely know the warder and feel there is nothing more we can say to each other. Colette is coming down with us to T.H. next Friday — it will be great you having her. I’m becoming much enriched in friends through you. I’ve got to start now for Paris. Goodbye and heaps of love.
Elizabeth R.
Percy says “am reading the Boigne memoirs with great interest and amusement. Read Anna Karenina during last week end at Priscilla’s. It seems just a little banal after War and Peace. G.J. wishes me to say that I brought Miss Wrinch back to the attic after Hilda Meynell’s last concert and met Joad for the first time. One meets Nevinson everywhere, but I find I do not get any further with him so he remains just an acquaintance. It is despairing about C.A. will he ever return to normal activities. I feel we shall not be asked to Hawse End this year!! Tomorrow Basil, Miles and I go to Nimmy Not for the week end. I go with mixed feelings. (End of message from Percy).
H.C. was very interested in your last general message. He quite agrees with your point of view, but as you may imagine Dr. S. does not. His robust optimism appears to me to have no solid foundation. Carl Heath was asking about you on Wednesday. He has been medically examined, and put in Grade 1. I believe Pethick Lawrence has been given work on the land. I cannot picture him either ploughing or reaping, can you? I have just left Miles chuckling to himself over Howard’s end, while C. vainly endeavours to ascertain whether there will be any butter for the week end. Nevinson and Lambert both made many enquiries about you again this week.
T.S. Eliot asks me to say “Arthur bought a cottage on the river for himself some time ago, and after I approached every other possible acquaintance on that subject as I saw it would be advisable even as things are, but with no result. The new conditions of season tickets is an added difficulty and would seriously affect chance of letting. Would Brentano’s Classification of Psychical Phenomena interest you? I have it.” I met Miss J. Fry and Mr. Ponsonby the other day, both sent messages and made many enquiries after you. Mrs. Huth-Jackson sends love and intends to send you some flowers. S.M. now has temporary teaching post, seems to like it and is very well. Miss Dudley is going to work in a Convalescent Hospital in Surrey for a month or two. G.K— sends good wishes and hopes time is passing quickly. He is diligently studying Knowledge of the Eternal World and kindred works, in Philosophy and Physics and looks forward to the time when he may again sit at your feet and discuss them with you. He seems well. Cole is engaged to Miss Postgate, he looks as severely unapproachable as ever.