BRACERS Record Detail for 46914
To access the original letter, email the Ready Division.
Frank's earlier extant letter bears no roman numeral, but it is presumably number I.
There is a long addition in Elizabeth Russell's hand, dated 20 May.
A transcription with carbon was made: documents .079964 and .079964a, both are described in record 116560.
The letter contains a message from Rinder (document .079963a, record 119545). Her message contains messages from A.N. and Evelyn Whitehead and Charles Trevelyan. The following people seem to have communicated through Rinder rather than directly to Frank: Wildon Carr, Helen Dudley, Miss Smith. The first two concern materials (books, magazines) that they are sending to Russell. Lydia Smith sends her love and will get Russell a painting of Box Hill if wanted.
Clifford Allen writes cheerfully and sends his love. "P. is looking forward to seeing you as are many other people. J.B. [Joan Beauchamp] has lots of books and spends her time in a green grass plot." ("P." is apparently Constance Malleson [see below for her upcoming visit].)
Re the Maurice affair, dealt with in Parliament, about reduced troop levels at the Western front. Violet Tillard sends a greeting from Guildford N.C.F.
In Elizabeth's section of the letter she describes Colette's (i.e. Constance Malleson's) problems in getting to Brixton to see Russell because of her theatre commitments. She is described as "very cheerful and determined to get to you somehow on her day, but it may be utterly impossible."
BRACERS 46914. ALS. McMaster
Proofread by K. Blackwell
Telegraph House,
19 May 1918.
My dear Bertie
If I can’t write small enough* E. is going to write this out for me. She is arranging for next visit, contrary to programme. I have yours of 16th and an official letter — this will do to begin with but I’ll get at least what I asked. Withers will come but you realise he’ll charge you a lot for a visit! Did they not give you the official letters I left for you? in them you’ll see that the H.O. has given leave for MS to go out. Your messages shall be attended to. After this week (Friday next) I will make Wednesday the regular day. Lady Constance is in Manchester but means to come up. From Miss Rinder: Whiteheads send love and will do anything they can. C. Trevelyan is very glad to see letter — “constantly thinks of you.” Dr. Carr is sending magazine covering ?? Professor Watson’s new article on Behaviourism written since the book which gives the whole argument in brief. I hope to send ‘Behaviourism’ in next week. [Agnes Grove I know but what is this?] Dr. Carr will lend a new Italian philosophical book Guido de Ruggiero La Filosophica Graeca <La Filosofia Greca> if you want to read it. Miss Dudley will send two novels by Tchekov. Miss Smith sends love and will get you a painting of Box Hill if you like. Hilda Meynell’s** concert was a tremendous success. I am to be moved from A. Street and feel like a homeless dog. M.J. reigns in my stead. Her father is in London to see L.G. C.A. writes cheerfully and sends you his love. P. is looking forward to seeing you as are many other people. J.B. has lots of books and spends her time in a green grass plot.
It would have been funnier if it had been a red one — wouldn’t it? I am sorry last night’s writing opposite was so bad: was very tired. Your notes (of your lectures I think) have been sent by registered post to the Governor. Rinder thinks Allen and Unwin might take back the bought copy of Holt’s Concept of Consciousness.
No the Maurice affair was a Parliamentary triumph but I don’t think it’s strengthened the Government. So the Aunt Agatha is to have your letters: how touchingly filial! I saw Troup: full news when I see you: but I put in train your philosophy work counting towards remission.
Violet Tillard sends a greeting from Guildford N.C.F. commenting on the “unprecedented form of expression” your country gives to its esteem. Her warmest wishes: she goes to Holloway in July: Lydia Smith was discharged. Believes Joan Beauchamp is allowed to have flowers. Favouritism! There’s no reason you shouldn’t have decent writing paper so I enclose some. E. will finish this letter — my hand is tired. You realise it’s Whitsuntide and I’ve no clerks.
May 20.*
I’m coming to see you Friday this week 2.30, with Colette if she can possibly manage it, and with whichever of the three men you gave for my day can come. C. had tea with me on the 10th just before going to Manchester. Very cheerful and determined to get to you somehow on her day, but it may be utterly impossible. She would come by night train after performance, but the difficulty is to get back in time for the next performance. Thought the understudy would do for the first time, any how, and a suddenly sick husband as the reason. He can’t go on being suddenly sick once a fortnight though. After Manchester comes Scarborough and Brighton. The last the easiest she thinks to get up from. If it really is impossible this time, I’ll bring two of your men friends, and she’ll manage another time. I see F. says I’m coming contrary to programme. I don’t know quite what that means, but any how I’m coming according to promise, and shall try to be very regular my alternate weeks. I’m at T.H. till June, but would come up from anywhere. One doesn’t have a relation in prison every day! I’m so glad to hear from F. you were well when he saw you and cheerful. Dearest Bertie, we miss you tremendously, and I’m longing to see you. I expect you’ve produced incredible masses of philosophy already, and are feeling more and more relieved and placid. You’ll tell me of any books I might get for you, but I gather you are snowed under with books. I sent you Arnold Bennett’s latest to amuse — or annoy — you, I hope you got it. The worst of it is it’s so exactly like Arnold Bennett. We’ve just had a tremendous blaze up here of the heather, and its spread so this dry lovely weather that we were afraid it would do a lot of damage, but F. with immense skill and judgment put it out in time. My hand’s still shaking from the statement. Your room at Gordon Square looks as pathetic and as manqué without you in it as an empty Black Maria.
Ever yours affectionately,
Elizabeth Russell.
*[Only one sheet was allowed.] (B.R.)
**[Wife of Francis Meynell.] (B.R.)
*[The rest of the letter is from Elizabeth.] (B.R.)
text BR square-bracketed the sentence about Joan Beauchamp.