BRACERS Record Detail for 19937
To access the original letter, email the Russell Archives.
"On board S.S. Celtic." "Sunday mg. My Darling Love—I find there is still time to write before Queenstown."
Fellow passengers: Robert Bridges and wife; L.P. Jacks; Miss MacNaghten, a friend of Catherine Marshall.
BRACERS 19937. ALS. McMaster
Proofread by K. Blackwell
Sunday mg.
My Darling Love1 —
I find there is still time to write before Queenstown. Thank you 1000 times for the telegram, which I got at dinnertime. I dreamt in the night that I was away from home and they came and told me John was dead — then I dreamt that I woke up and found he wasn’t, and he and I started rolling together down the steep hill at Pembroke Lodge that I always rolled down as a child, and I vowed not to go to sleep again for fear of having the dream again. And then I really woke up.
Robert Bridges and his wife are on the boat — they are nice people, curiously childlike for their age — they were quite disappointed because we went down the Mersey after dark so that they couldn’t adequately see its beauties! L.P. Jacks, Oxford Unitarian, Hibbert Journal, is also on the boat. So is Miss Macnaghten, pacifist, friend of Catherine Marshall, going to a Conference of the Women’s International League. So I shall have to be serious all the way and like Spooner’s beadle. This morning it is hazy so we don’t get to see Ireland. We are to get to Queenstown at 1. Probably we shall be at Halifax Saturday and New York early Monday. I am very well, but I feel lost without you, and hardly safe alone in the cold world. Take care of yourself my Darling and don’t overwork.
Don’t worry about me. I shall be very well, I get home in 10 weeks. Goodbye sweetest Love, my Treasure.
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envelope: PAQUEBOT COBH 24 <illegible>.