BRACERS Record Detail for 19335

To access the original letter, email the Russell Archives.

Collection code
Recent acquisition no.
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Box no.
Source if not BR
Malleson, Constance
Malleson, Constance
Form of letter
BR's address code (if sender)
Notes and topics

"Monday". Needs room for 1500 books at flat.

Written on the same sheet as the letter, which was written on the Friday, document 200313, record 19318.

There are two typed condensed versions of this letter: document .007052fm, p. 574, record 116540 and document 201117a, record 116539.


Letter 35
BRACERS 19335. AL. McMaster
Previous Brixton letter, BRACERS 46924; next letter, BRACERS 53925
Edited by K. Blackwell, A. Bone, N. Griffin and S. Turcon

<Brixton Prison>1

The most glorious flowers and red leaves2 came from you on Saturday — chocolates too — a thousand thousand thanks — but really you mustn’t spend a whole fortune on me. I shudder to think of all the shopkeeper’s bills you set aside for me! True, I don’t think they would get as much joy from having their bills paid as I do from the flowers — but still.... Today comes Sat’s Mirror3 with a jolly picture of you — thank you.

I am sorry about Marie4 — you must have had a time of great anxiety. I do hope she is well now. — I hate to think of your still having painful times with Miles — they will go on till you and he live apart. Will he be out of the Attic when I come out? If so, I won’t bother about my flat, as I don’t want to spend money needlessly. But if he will be in the Attic I will get my flat for a time. I expect I shall go back there altogether at the New Year, if I can possibly afford it. I think my brother would be glad if I did.5

Please give verbal message to Elizabeth: Say I love her letters, and it is only from discretion I don’t write to her. She is very kind, and I appreciate every bit of it. So you are going to T.H.6  for the week-end! Fearful place. I shan’t want to go there when I emerge, as I shall not be ill. Please tell E. and let her prepare my brother’s mind. The point is that I want him to get the prohibited areas order rescinded all the same. I don’t like having a 3rd visitor when you and E. come. She seems keen on it, but if you can dissuade her, do. Give her my very best love.

I am amazingly fit and vigorous, full of philosophical ideas — determined to keep out of prison, by H.S.7 if necessary — quite happy, only longing for you. Let me have all your news. How long is Clare8 staying in my flat? Look at my flat to see where books could go: about 1500.b — A thousand thousand kisses and all my heart, my dearest Darling.

Letter for Miss Rinder elsewhere — read it first before passing it on.



  • 1

    [document] The letter was edited from the unsigned original in BR’s hand in the Malleson papers in the Russell Archives. The single sheet of thin, laid paper is ruled on one side; on the other is written Letter 33.

  • 2

    glorious flowers and red leaves Lilies and beech branches.

  • 3

    Saturday’s Mirror Colette’s photograph appeared with the caption: “Lady Constance Malleson, daughter of Priscilla Countess Annesley and wife of Mr. Miles Malleson, the dramatist. She will shortly appear in one of his plays” (Daily Mirror, 6 July 1918, p. 8).

  • 4

    sorry about Marie In her letter of 24 June, Colette wrote that: “Marie got ill and was quite without money ... Marie is now well again” (BRACERS 113135). This is obviously an edited version of Marie Blanche’s troubles. In Letter 22, editorially dated 18 June 1918, BR asked if the child Marie was going to have was Miles’s.

  • 5

    my brother would be glad if I did BR’s brother, Frank, had let it be known that he wanted him to find accommodation elsewhere than his home in Gordon Square, where BR had lived since 1916. Frank and Elizabeth’s marriage was unravelling, and BR was more inclined to side with Elizabeth than with Frank.

  • 6

    going to T.H. Colette had been invited to spend the weekend at Frank and Elizabeth Russell’s country home, Telegraph House.

  • 7

    H.S. Hunger Strike. In her letter of c.6 July 1918, Colette advised against this tactic (BRACERS 113138).

  • 8

    Clare Colette’s sister, Clare Annesley (1893–1980), an artist, who had sublet BR’s Bury Street flat from Helen Dudley in May 1918.

Textual Notes

  • a

    [date] Written on the verso of Letter 33.

  • b

    Look at my flat … 1500. Inserted.

Transcription Public Access
Record no.
Record created
May 26, 2014
Record last modified
Oct 22, 2024
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