BRACERS Record Detail for 116585
To access the original letter, email the Russell Archives.
Colette's messages to BR are contained in a letter from Gladys Rinder to BR, document .054819, record 79614.
BRACERS 116585. AL. McMaster
Proofread by K. Blackwell
Lady Constance: I am so disappointed about Roads to Freedom but do hope Allen & Unwin will do it over here. What could one expect of America these days. It was a delight seeing you, but what a short time half an hour is. The sea here isn’t like real country sea but is a wonderful green under the pier. Gladys and I walked right to the end of it last night when the sky was full of sunset. I have just looked through the Andrew Marvell book and found one particular poem at the end which I love. Thank you for recommending the book, I will try and get that book for you.
From C.O’N. [Colette O’Niel] Brighton 13 June 1918 midnight. I have found a bright green vase and had it sent to you to-night. Also some carnations and beech leaves and a single cottage lily whose twin is standing on my table as I write. For some reason I keep thinking of the Birmingham winter time. I realized then how everything had changed. Lately I have not been to the Isola Bella, in fact never since.... Some Italian princess has recommended it to Priscilla and I feel jealous of anyone else going there. I am wearing the garment in which you saw the “great idea” at Wyndhams that afternoon. I think Miles [Malleson] may get his scheme working by the autumn. It would be ideal. The sort of thing that the red fox came and listened to on the top of Clee Hill (I read the Shropshire Lad at Scarborough.) What a wonderful drink of water that was after climbing through the quarry.
I have reflected lately how little one’s most poignant joy and inspiration touches other human beings and that it is only by radiating a warm friendly feeling, that glowing kind of Tolstoyan love, that one reaches or is of any use to the average person ... soldiers in 3rd class carriages going back to the trenches ... boarding house keepers ... waitresses ... staff officers. Plans: roughly as follows. Next week for perhaps 10 days being with Marie and seeing agents and managers in between, then 3 or 4 days tramping the marshes with Miles ending up in luxury at Priscilla’s — but I think I mayn’t leave London until after my next visit to you. After my 1st visit I went to the Bow St. flat and liked it very much. I am thinking always of Boismaison, past and future, and remembering everything, everything. The cock who was such a fine fellow, the orchard, cider at The Feathers, the German workman.