BRACERS Record Detail for 79614

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Rinder, Gladys
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Rinder's letter is comprised of messages to BR in prison from: Frank Russell, Constance Malleson, Elizabeth Russell and Ottoline Morrell.

This is an official letter. The letter is initialled "C.H." (for Carleton Haynes, the prison governor) in red, and the envelope was marked "VI" at a later date. 

A separate record has been created for Constance Malleson's messages, record 116585.

A separate record has been created for Frank Russell's message, record 2841.

A separate record has been created for Elizabeth Russell's message, record 2871.A separate record has been created for Ottoline Morrell's message, record 2843.


BRACERS 79614. ALS. McMaster
Proofread by S. Turcon and K. Blackwell

14 Westgate Terrace
15 June 1918

Dear Mr. Russell,

It’s lovely of you to trust me to write your new[s]sheet, I feel greatly honoured, thank you. — Messages. Lord Russell. “My dear Bertie, you will understand your Bank account now. £61.15.3 has since been paid in on behalf of the Century Company. I am seeing Stanley Unwin tomorrow (14.6.18) about the Agreement. Carr dined here last night and we explained about the Fellowship and Geddes. The policy etc. I will see Withers about. The two books returned have gone to the L.L. [London Library] Lippincott talks about the attitude of people in USA towards a treatise which favours Socialism in any form; and our readers insist that it is unwise if not impossible to launch this book of yours on “Roads to Freedom”. One authority to whom we have submitted the matter expresses the same view quite unofficially but in a way to show most conclusively that the treatment of the subject would not pass censorship. We are still considering just what had better be done and would appreciate any suggestion from you, but frankly it is certain we cannot bring out the book while the war continues and that ordinary revision would not be sufficient of overcome the objections. You will doubtless regard this with considerable surprise and we have not written to you in this vein without going into the matter most thoroughly.” I am paying you a special visit on Monday to discuss this and other questions. End Ld. R. — Hate conveying such news but its America’s loss not yours. It is a hopeless place. Lady Constance I am so disappointed about Roads to Freedom but do hope Allen & Unwin will do it over here. What else could one expect of America these days. It was a delight seeing you, but what a short time half an hour is. The sea here isn’t like real country sea but it’s a wonderful green under the Pier. Gladys and I walked right to the end of it last night when the sky was full of sunset. I have just looked through the Andrew Marvell book and found one particular poem at the end which I love. Thank you for recommending the book, I will try and get that book for you.” — From C.O’N. Brighton 13 June 1918 Midnight. I have found a bright green vase and had it sent to you to-night. Also some carnations and beech leaves and a single cottage lily whose twin is standing on my table as I write. For some reason I keeping thinking of the Birmingham winter time. I realised then how everything had changed. — Lately I have not been to the Isola Bella, in fact never since … some Italian Princess has recommended it to Priscilla and I feel jealous of anyone else going there. — I am wearing the garment in which you saw the “Great Idea” at Wyndhams that afternoon. I think Miles may get his scheme working by the autumn. It would be ideal. The sort of thing that the red fox came and listened to on the top of Clee Hill (I read the Shropshire Lad at Scarborough). What a wonderful drink of water that was after climbing through the quarry. I have reflected lately how little one’s most poignant joy and inspiration touches other human beings and that it is only by radiating a warm friendly feeling, that glowing kind of Tolystoyan love, that one reaches or is of any use to the average person.… Soldiers in 3rd class carriages going back to the trenches … boarding house keepers … waitresses … staff officers. Plans: roughly as follows. Next week for perhaps 10 days being with Marie and seeing agents and managers in between, then 3 or 4 days tramping the marshes with Miles ending up at Priscilla’s — but I think I mayn’t leave London until after my next visit with you. After my 1st visit I went to the Bow Street flat and liked it very much. — I am thinking always of Boismaison, past and future, and remembering everything, everything. The cock who was such a fine fellow, the orchard, cider at the Feathers, the German workmen.

— Prisoners —

I work exactly opposite to E. The thought of the suffering “d’autres” oppresses me more than the suffering of persons I know, the other is so terribly a matter of course … inevitable … acquiescence in injustice, sheer misery ever present. No sense of the torch bearer. — No upright pride or steely self respect. Cattle driven to the slaughter, dumb beasts. — I bless September 1916 and Camelos. Goethe is right. — Lady O. asks me to say “that I am so touched by his remembering my birthday, and I shall love Mde. de Boigne and send loving thanks. I do want to know what he would like for his past birthday. He is to keep Rimbaud if he likes it. I am to have all the village in to cider cup and cakes on the 16th, I hope it will make THEM merry. I saw Mrs. Geach at a tea party at young Mr. Basil Blackwell in Oxford (He is the publisher of the Young Poets) and thought her quite dreadful (?) although very pretty [?] (can’t read word, possibly “pretty” WGR) I remembered so well his description of her. I felt I put my foot in it and stirred up her dislike by asking after Geach. He is still in India. She is Queen of Poetry in Oxford. S. Sassoon writes that his admiration of you is unbounded. Who is the anonymous donor of £250. I am sure money will come in and the [illegible] be fed. — It is difficult to know what effect the Billing case will have. It may smoulder, and flame up later on. Everyone expects Revolution and perhaps it is the “Marriage de Figaro” for the coming Revolution. He is wild and absolutely unscrupulous and just waved [illegible] aside and told him to keep quiet. I am sure there is a very strong widespread feeling against the rich leisured classes and no wonder … but as I am one … I am getting an old Tory — But shall soon get tired of it and shall soon perhaps lead a band of Bolsheviks against Welbeck! I want you so much to read Ld. Granville Leveson Gowers correspondence. Lady Bessborough’s letters are most interesting. It is slightly later than time of F[rench] Rev[olution]. The Snowdon Lansdowne petition is getting well signed.” “Another message” “Elizabeth sends fondest love and greatly enjoyed seeing you, looks forward next time. She has however been feeling that actions speak louder than words and was delighted to put it in practice last Wednesday. (Last sentence my paraphrase hurried message. She likes it but thinks you won’t understand!) I’ve heaps more news but no room alas. Am visiting many people in course of new work so shall hope to help you as you like, but do miss you so much. D.M., L.S., EEH send love so do I,

Yours very sincerely,
W. Gladys Rinder.

D.M. is possibly Dorothy Mackenzie; L.S. is Lydia Smith; EEH is Ernest E. Hunter.
[VI is added in pencil to envelope]

Transcription Public Access
Record no.
Record created
Jun 12, 2014
Record last modified
Oct 26, 2023
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