BRACERS Record Detail for 116768
To access the original letter, email the Russell Archives.
This message is contained in Gladys Rinder's letter of same date, document .054824, record 79619.
BRACERS 116768. AL. McMaster
Proofread by K. Blackwell
Mrs Eliot sent me this message for you.
1. I am ill at present and under very strict rules from a specialist who I am under (this is a very bad sentence but I can’t help it) I shall have to go away but I will not go until my husband affairs are settled. There is a new call up for all Americans here under 30, coming into force before Sept 30th. It may mean going to America.
2. BR. need be under no anxiety about his possessions, a list of which he sent to my husband. They are all together, in a safe place. They are neither [?] at our flat or our house. When I am well enough I will take them myself to Russell Chambers. My husband has not a second to attend to outside things.
3. We have let our house at Marlow from the middle of Sept.
4. My husband must leave his bank and we do not know what will happen to us.
Rinder’s comment: “End Mrs E. — they seem v. perplexed and miserable. Just received your new letter, will send your message.”