BRACERS Record Detail for 808
To access the original letter, email the Russell Archives.
Crowley acknowledges receiving a copy of BR's reply to Norman Mudd (see document .053359 at record 2253) and writes colourfully with a logical example about the worthlessness of journalism.
The letter was occasioned by BR's reply to Norman Mudd, who sent him a pamphlet detailing the Sunday Express's unjust treatment of Crowley in a series of articles. See John Symonds, The King of the Shadow Realm: Aleister Crowley his Life and Magic (London: Duckworth, 1989), pp. 366-7. Others concerned with social justice were sent the pamphlet, too, and BR is mentioned here, but not his reply to Mudd that he copied to Crowley.
Both Crowley and Mudd attended Trinity College, Cambridge, Crowley in the 1890s.