BRACERS Record Detail for 19331
To access the original letter, email the Ready Division.
"Dear Miss Rinder, your letter has not yet arrived, but I will begin with various odds and ends." This is a condensed version of a letter no longer extant. The excisions are indicated by ellipses. The ribbon copy of this version is document .054845, record 79640. Corrections are in Rinder's hand, but it has fewer of them than the ribbon copy; e.g., it lacks the correction of "aimees" to "annees".
There are two other transcriptions: document .201183, record 116692, and its carbon, document .200299e, record 19330.
A shorter extract (the paragraph about the canary and the ourang-outang has been removed) appears in "Extracts from Letters Written by the Hon. Bertrand Russell in Brixton Prison, August 1918", sent to Gilbert Murray and located in Rec. Acq. 71e, record 52372.
There is another typed version, document .080040f, record 117621, with the remark about the canary annotated in BR's hand.