BRACERS Record Detail for 115959

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Meynell, Francis
Davies, Crompton Llewelyn
Coward, Chance & Co.
Form of letter
Notes and topics

Davies writes to Meynell regarding the note detailing their conversation (document .133726, record 115957).

Davies writes to Meynell, "You were speaking with some heat and vexation and with an emotion of friendship for both sides, and concern for the general good of society. I am also deeply moved as one of Bertie's oldest and most intimate friends, and with the sense of heavy responsibility as the one supposed to hold the key of the situation from a knowledge of all the personal aspects and the legal complexities. I had therefore reviewed the position in my mind anxiously in expectation of speaking to you about Bertie's reasons against a conference with you, and I had written down the exact governing words which I thought it was essential to say to you, and I had them before me when I was speaking, so as not to fail in communicating them to you. Those words were that no bargaining was possible and no negotiations could have any effective result, but that if you had anything to communicate to Bertie you could say it to me and I would pass it on to him."

Davies' postscript details that he's just received a phone message from BR saying that Meynell has written to him. "I gather that you have explained that you are concerned, not as a party, or to promote any bargain between the parties, but only as an old friend desiring to allay discord and prevent scandal, and that you have urged again your strong wish to see him."

Record no.
Record created
Jun 23, 2014
Record last modified
Jun 21, 2016
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