BRACERS Record Detail for 115515
To access the original letter, email the Ready Division.
Davies has received a letter from Maw. Maw has met with Dora regarding Davies' letters of 13 and 15 May and requires further information, asking, "'1. When is the suggested rent of £100 to commence? It is not clear whether it is to commence in July this year or July next year. 2. Assuming Lady Russell accepts the suggestion of taking Telegraph House until 1937 at £100 per annum what repairing covenants would be inserted in the tenancy agreement?'"
Davies asks for a response on the first question from BR and says, "With regard to question 2, when a sub-tenancy is granted the sub-tenant is sometimes put under the same obligations in full as the leaseholder is under towards his superior landlord, but if the sub-tenancy is only for, say three years, it is hardly reasonable to impose the full repairing covenants which are appropriate for a longer term." Davies quotes the deed of separation regarding repairs, stated in clause 6.
Typed copy is document .101011cn, record 115823.