BRACERS Record Detail for 113334
To access the original letter, email the Ready Division.
BR thanks Davies for his letter and states that Meynell is intolerable, and that he has a hard time believing that Lloyd is with Meynell, so he has written Lloyd a letter, enclosing a copy (document .133983, record 113335).
"It seems to me that, if Meynell and Lloyd are against us, it may be important not to offend the Court of Chancery, which Dora may invoke at later stages. You said the Chancery Judge would be annoyed by your dropping the Chancery suit and sending the papers to the King's Proctor. Clearly we must send them to the King's Proctor, but is it not possible to do this in some way which will not annoy the Judge, e.g. by merely asking an adjournment of the Chancery suit? I don't understand the matter and merely ask for enlightenment."